21 Powerful 3am prayer for financial breakthrough

3am Prayer for Financial Breakthrough

There is no definite time apportioned for prayers. The Bible States in 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 17 that we should “pray without ceasing. ” Every Christian must cultivate a prayerful attitude to seek the face of God and strengthen their faith in God. Therefore, prayers should be at all seasons and times.

A fervent praying Christian has portrayed the actual characteristics of a child of God.

How to pray for a financial breakthrough

People tend to use most dark periods (moonlight) to sleep while the sunlight period is to engage in our daily activities. Therefore, 3 am is considered night as most of the world is asleep and dark outside.

However, one may wonder why 3 am is essential for financial breakthrough prayers. One may also wonder why someone may purposely accept such inconveniences at a point in time whereby people are deeply engrossed in sleep.

It is noteworthy that Jesus Christ prayed in the early morning hours, considered as night in Luke 6:12Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.

Witnessing a lack of sleep at 3 am is not strange, but a supernatural force triggers it. Whoever wants to feel the particular manifestation of God’s power always communes during these odd hours. Waking up at this hour to pray will enable a Christian to effectively fellowship with God without interruptions.

There is often a tremendous magnetic force in the spiritual realm at this time to commune with heaven. This period is significant as it is compulsory to align with the spiritual realm to eradicate the evil forces of darkness. In addition, there are elemental forces in the world; as such, there is a need to pray to receive an idea, ponder thoughts or get profound revelations about these things.

Best time to pray for a financial breakthrough

Great and mighty things happen in the night. Profound spiritual revelations are made bare during the night. Visions are seen at night. Powerful dreams occur at night. So many spiritual bearings are manufactured at night to affect a man’s physical life. The wee hours are a time of spiritual warfare.

Based on the above excerpts, it is therefore perceived necessary to engage in 3 am prayers for a financial breakthrough. There is a need to ask God in prayer to establish, increase and sustain your financial status. It is pertinent to seek God’s provision in this dangerous world. God is concerned about our welfare in all ramifications; as such, he expects us to take every need to him in prayer, and our finances are no exception.

Powerful 3 am Prayer for Financial Breakthrough

The prayer points concerning financial breakthroughs are more than the ones I will raise in this article. However, the spirit of the Lord will guide you on matters to submit regarding your financial request even as his words proclaim the same in Psalms 34:10 “The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.”

1. Prayer against yokes of financial bondage

Dear Lord,

I pray this day against every financial bondage and entrapment of the devil to put any good financial execution that may come my way on hold. First, I command the power of the Holy Spirit to break loose every yoke of financial bondage. Then, by the power of the holy spirit, I locate all my financial breakthrough projects.

I lose a delimiting yoke fastened around my financial advancement by the devil and his cohort.

I make declarations from John 10:10The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.

I set free my financial endeavors targeted by the devil to destroy and command significant breakthroughs in my life.

Every financial breakthrough yoke by the devil is broken and set free for physical manifestation.

I invoke the grace of liberation upon my finances to abound. I will experience sufficiency and abundance in every work my hands find to do. I speak into existence the grace of sufficiency; therefore, no demonic yoke can withhold my financial progress.

This I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer against yokes of financial bondage

2. Prayer against curses pronounced toward your finances

Lord Jesus,

By the authority and power in your name, I revoke every curse and evil pronouncement by wicked people and agents of darkness against my financial success.

I use the declaration in 2 Peter 1:3as His divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.”

By this declaration, I reinstate the divine power of God to flourish my financial endeavors irrespective of any evil utterances. Because I know the Almighty God, I claim every good thing about my finances.

His strength and vigor have apportioned every good thing for me. Therefore, I invoke the spiritual covenant inherent in the scripture to work against every satanic pronouncement that does not conform with God’s pronouncement in my life in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Prayer against curses pronounced towards your finances

3. Prayer against every disappointing finish of your financial proposals

Heavenly Father,

I pray against the disastrous end to my financial proposal, and I come against the harmful and sad ending of any project. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I declare that non of my financial proposal will go haywire.

My high financial expectations will never be aborted.

Remember your promise in the book of Mathew 6:31-32Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things, the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things“.

By these promises, I am confident that every work of my hand will not meet a dead end. I will never be anxious about what to eat, wear or drink because you know all my financial needs and will accomplish them. This is fulfilled in Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer against curses pronounced towards your finances

4. Repel every spirit of ill luck

Almighty Father,

I pray over every negative energy lurking around the universe to cause ill luck over my finances. Every spirit that drives bad luck, I come against your works by the power of God.

Oh ye spirit that work against financial breakthroughs, I subdue your force by the blood of Jesus. No wicked spirit of hindrance shall overpower my financial breakthrough.

I command the power of God to militate against every spirit that does not allow my financial endeavors to be noticed for good.

1 Chronicles 29:12 states, “Both riches and honor come from You, And You reign over all. In Your hand is power and might; In Your hand, it is to make great And to give strength to all“.

By this covenant, I am assured that all ill luck is repelled, and no evil shall locate my finances because every riches and honor come from God, and he alone can make men tremendous and also bestow strength to them. I declare this dominion over ill luck in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Repel every spirit of ill luck

5. Prayer against evil powers assigned to monitor your financial breakthrough

Holy Spirit,

I assign you to militate against every evil spirit whose function is to monitor my financial progress or growth. I come against every spirit that causes limitations whenever the lamb’s blood slightly increases or improves.

In your word, oh Lord, in the book of Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

By your covenant, I am unshaken, for I believe that only your thoughts of good and peace will overshadow the powers of monitoring agents in my finances.

Despite the devil’s works in monitoring my finances, I rest my belief in you, oh! Lord, you will still give me the treasures and riches of the secret places.

Prayer against evil powers assigned to monitor your financial breakthrough

6. Declare into your life as the most wanted in your field of endeavor

Dear Lord,

I invoke the word of God in Daniel 1:20, which says, “ And in all matters of wisdom and understanding about which the king examined them, He found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm.

I seek divine announcement and attention by your power and will to perform great and mighty things. Let me be a renowned person amongst others in the field of my endeavor. Therefore, I declare the title the most preferred in Jesus’s name. Amen.

7. Prayer for God to open your eyes of understanding to the area of trade or skill that will catapult your financial status

Blessed Father,

I need your grace to understand my area of purpose to fulfill my financial purpose.

Please open my eyes to understanding to detect the most viable among numerous opportunities. Daniel 9:22And He informed me, talked with me, and said, “O Daniel, I have now come forth to give you the skill to understand.

Just as you did for Daniel, I invoke the same spirit to come upon me. I appreciate your great gift of vision to recognize my most workable skill. Thank you for this privilege of outright acknowledgment of my best endeavor. Amen

8. Prayer against powers declaring the end of your financial exploits

Father Lord,

I come against every power of darkness, declaring an end to my finances. I say total exploitation in Christ’s name. Nothing shall cease my financial glory. Lamentations 3:37Who is He who speaks and it comes to pass When the Lord has not commanded it?“.

Since the Lord has not uttered evil pronouncement against my finances, it shall not manifest. Only the word of God can penetrate my life.

I command abundance into my in Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

9. Prayer for financial sustainability

My Heavenly Father,

I pray for financial sustainability in my projects. I use the blood of Jesus to alter every diminishing spirit and force working against my finances. No heart of darkness will scatter my working progress.

I firmly believe that the Lord will sustain my riches. In Psalms 55: 22, you have assured me to “Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.”

I have brought my plea unto you, oh! God. Take control of my business and bring it to a sustained stage according to your will.

I request through your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

10. Declare that men shall bless you financially

Lord Jesus,

Cause men to bless my life in times of need. Let men work out my blessings. Even in my darkest hours, I will not seek help because you have placed men in strategic positions to bless me. I invoke the same financial blessings that located David through Abigail during his need.

In the book of Job 11:19, “You would also lie down, and no one would make you afraid; Yes, many would court your favor.” Therefore, I pray you, Lord, to grant me favor through people so I will be confident in my endeavors.

As I work out my financial ways, the Lord will grant me favor in the eyes of men in Jesus’ name. Amen.

11. Prayer for the recovery of your past financial losses

Gracious Lord,

Having lost so many finances, I have realized that whatever is not rooted in you will not succeed. I could achieve without you. I believed in my prowess and might. I have now decided to cast all my burdens and fears upon you. Make straight my financial ways.

Restore oh! Lord, all my losses. I call upon the same grace of restoration of Job as recorded in Job 42:10And the Lord restored Job’s losses when He prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as He had before“.

Lead me, Lord, by my hand in my financial struggle so I will no longer encounter losses. I come before you seeking your guidance, and I believe you will restore all the finances the devil has destroyed.

I request in Jesus’s precious name. Amen.

12. Prayer against every evil coverage in your business

Dear Holy Spirit,

Unveil every evil coverage projected to cause stagnation in my business. I set fire to the Holy Spirit around my place of work. By the authority of Christ Jesus, no evil is allowed to execute the evil plan in anything my hands find to do.

Make manifest your word in my business as you promised in 2 Timothy 4:18 “And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen!”

At this moment, every coverage that does not allow my business to be noticed is uncovered in Jesus’s name. The power of the Holy Spirit burns every evil range.

This I pray to manifest in Jesus’s name. Amen.

13. Prayer for massive results from the works of your hands

My Heavenly Father,

As I set to work, I invoke massive positive results. Father Lord, you said in your word in the book of Deuteronomy 28: 8, “The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

I believe that by your command, every financial barrier will be lifted. I shall not lack but experience increase from the works of my hands. Even if it was cursed, the land I walk upon should be blessed, for the Lord has promised blessings upon my life.

Thank you, Jesus, for your answered prayers. Amen

14. Declare unstoppable financial exploit

Beloved Father,

I stand before your throne of mercy and grace to seek unstoppable financial exploitation. Let my finances never encounter glitches. I claim immeasurable space in my finances. Let the Lord expand my economic coast according to his promise in 2 Corinthians 9:10Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness.

May I not witness the withering of the seed you supplied me? Thank you for the bread of sustainability in my business. Pour the oil of growth upon the sources I have planted.

I pray to increase the fruits of my hand and let it be immeasurable in Jesus’s name. Amen

15. Dangerous prayers for financial breakthrough

Dear Lord,

I thank you for the covenant of blessings to my Father Abraham. Thank you for extending the covenant to me. I am glad to be a partaker of the covenant of benefits according to Genesis 49: 25 “By the God of your father who will help you, And by the Almighty who will bless you With blessings of heaven above, Blessings of the deep that lies beneath, Blessings of the breasts and of the womb.

Thank you for the financial blessings you have bestowed upon my life.

I invoke this blessing upon my life in Jesus’s name. Amen.

16. Saturate your body with the blood of Jesus Christ to earn financial liberty

In Jesus’s name,

I delve into the magnitude of the grace of financial freedom made ready and accessible by the blood of Jesus. I shall emanate the fragrance of economic liberty, attracting every extraordinary and mighty thing meant to achieve financial freedom.

I am anointed to explore the ends of the earth to attain financial progress. I stand firm by the decree of God in Ephesians 1:13In Him, you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.

My faith in financial freedom is sealed in the grace of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He mellowed himself to become poor for my sake so that I would overcome poverty.

Thank you, Lord, for financial emancipation. Amen.

17. Call into existence your finances

My maker,

I stand today as an empty vessel before you. I have come into your glorious presence to invoke into existence my financial blessings according to Colossian 4:4that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.

Let the power of your word manifest significant change in my finances. I have nothing in my hands, but I believe you can create something out of nothing in Jesus’s name.

18. Angels should minister prosperity into your life

Dear Lord,

I implore you to send your angels to speak prosperity into my life. I am ready to assimilate your ministration. When your word penetrates my spirit, it will yield good fruits of prosperity. Hebrews 1:14Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?

I ask you to help me manage the good fruits of prosperity deposited into me. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for playing a significant role. Also, could you help me to work it into actualization? This I pray in Jesus’s name. Amen.

19. Prayer for the wisdom of wealth creation

My heavenly Father,

I ask for knowledge to decipher between good and evil. I was hoping you could give me the intuition to know the skills to venture into to make financial exploits.

Order my steps to where I will increase in knowledge to make wealth. So I will prosper in the skills of expertise, help me use my skills and knowledge to make financial exploits in the world. Deuteronomy 8:18And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.”

I will honor thy name as the author and finisher of my finances.

I believe in the covenant of financial establishment. Thank you, Lord. Amen

20. Request for divine connection for your financial breakthrough

Almighty God,

I ask for a divine connection to the place of prosperity. Let the force of progress connect me to the right source where my finances will experience overwhelming improvement.

Fulfill your promise in the book of Isaiah 48: 17Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go.”

Lord, lead me by the hand to the brook of financial glory where I will be filled.

Awaken my divine connectors and make them realize the mission God mandated to help me fulfill my destiny. Amen

21. Prayer against every ignorant spirit and daft mind toward making money

My God,

I bind and cast away every ignorant mindset toward making financial progress. I reject every negative ministration of the “get rich quick” plan, which is against the will of God in my life.

I alter in my head every daft idea bred by laziness. You have warned in Psalm 128:2,When you eat the labor of your hands, You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you.”

I pray for the ability to reject all means of accruing ill-gotten wealth. Help me gather by the works of my hands to experience increase. I leave and command every spirit of laziness to flee from me.

I pray that you eradicate all worries, anxieties, and fears about money and replace them with grace to make riches. I release all negative thoughts about money and know prosperity is my nature, and this is granted in Jesus’s name. Amen.


It is time for you to have a breakthrough in your life financially. The key word here is 3 am. This means that you are asking God for something impossible during this period. Time is down, so you cannot even see the end of it. You are all alone; there is nobody to run to but yourself, so you have no option but to call on God.


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