21 Prayers for Abuse Victims


Abuse, in its various forms, inflicts deep wounds on the souls of those who endure it. As believers, we are called to support and uplift those who have suffered from abuse through the power of prayer.

In this article, we will explore 21 heartfelt prayers for abuse victims, each addressing different aspects of their healing and recovery journey.

Prayers For Abuse Victims

Prayers for Healing

1. Prayer for Physical Healing

Prayer for Physical Healing

Heavenly Father, we lift those who bear the scars of physical abuse. Touch their bodies with your healing grace, mend their wounds, and grant them strength to overcome pain. Amen.

2. Prayer for Emotional Healing

Prayer for Emotional Healing

Lord, we pray for the emotional wounds inflicted on abuse victims. Pour out your comfort and peace, healing their broken hearts and renewing their spirits. Amen.

3. Prayer for Psychological Healing

Prayer for Psychological Healing

God of mercy, we ask for the restoration of minds that have been scarred by abuse. Grant clarity, peace, and a soundness of mind to those who suffer. Amen.

4. Prayer for Spiritual Healing

Prayer for Spiritual Healing

Holy Spirit, we pray for the spiritual healing of those who have been spiritually wounded by abuse. May they find solace in your presence and experience a deep restoration of their faith. Amen.

Prayers for Strength and Courage

5. Prayer for Inner Strength

Prayer for Inner Strength

Heavenly Father, bestow upon abuse victims the inner strength to break free from the chains of fear and oppression. Empower them to find their voice and stand tall. Amen.

6. Prayer for Courage to Seek Help

“Compassionate Father, we lift those ensnared in abusive situations, seeking Your divine intervention. Grant them the courage to break free from the shackles of fear and shame.

May Your light pierce through the darkness surrounding them, leading them to seek help and find refuge in Your unwavering protection. Strengthen their resolve, Lord, and empower them to step into the freedom and safety You provide. Amen.”

7. Prayer for the Strength to Forgive

“Merciful God, we come before You with hearts burdened by the pain of abuse victims. Grant them the extraordinary strength to forgive their abusers, just as You, in Your boundless mercy, have forgiven us.

Release them from the chains of anger and resentment, allowing Your healing grace to flow through their lives. May the act of forgiveness bring about a profound transformation, offering freedom and peace that surpasses understanding. Amen.”

8. Prayer for Physical Safety

“Almighty Protector, we intercede on behalf of those still facing physical danger. Surround them with the might of Your angels, creating a shield of divine protection around them.

Lead them to places of refuge where harm cannot reach, and guide them to safety. Be their stronghold, O God, as they navigate through the perils before them. In Your omnipotent name, we entrust their physical safety. Amen.”

9. Prayer for Emotional Protection

“Loving Lord, we implore Your divine intervention for the emotional well-being of abuse victims. Wrap them in the comforting embrace of Your love, shielding their hearts and minds from further harm.

Grant them the resilience to withstand the emotional wounds inflicted upon them. Pour out Your healing balm, O God, and restore the brokenness within. May Your abiding presence be a source of strength, offering emotional protection in the face of adversity. Amen.”

10. Prayer for Spiritual Protection

“Divine Guardian, we lift the spirits of abuse survivors before You, seeking Your shelter from further spiritual attacks. Clothe them in the armor of faith, that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. Guide them to wise spiritual mentors who can nurture and guide their journey. May Your divine light dispel the darkness that seeks to harm their spirits, and may they find refuge in the assurance of Your everlasting love. Amen.”

11. Prayer for Restoration of Relationships

“God of Reconciliation, we bring before You the broken relationships caused by the scourge of abuse. Pour out Your healing grace upon families and friendships torn apart. Bring about reconciliation, mend hearts, and restore what the enemy intended to destroy. May the power of forgiveness and Your love be the catalyst for rebuilding trust and fostering unity. Amen.”

12. Prayer for Financial Restoration

“Provider of All Needs, look upon abuse survivors with favor and open doors of financial opportunity. Bless them with stability and abundance, meeting their every need according to Your riches in glory. Guide them toward avenues of financial restoration, that they may experience Your faithfulness in the realm of provision. May their journey to financial stability be marked by Your unwavering grace. Amen.”

13. Prayer for a New Beginning

“Heavenly Father, grant a new beginning to those who have endured the trauma of abuse. Infuse their lives with the freshness of Your mercy and grace.

As they rebuild, rediscover joy, and seek purpose in Your divine plan, be their guiding light. May the scars of the past be transformed into testimonies of Your redemptive power. Grant them the strength to embrace the opportunities of a new life in You. Amen.”

Prayers for Justice

“God of Justice, we lift our voices in fervent prayer for the pursuit of legal justice against those who have perpetrated abuse. May the legal systems function with fairness, integrity, and swiftness to hold the abusers accountable for their actions. Bring closure to the victims through the avenues of justice, and may the legal proceedings be a means of vindication and protection. Let righteousness prevail, O Lord. Amen.”

15. Prayer for Social Justice

“Lord, ignite a fire within society’s heart to stand against abuse. Move individuals, communities, and institutions to actively combat this injustice. Provide resources and support for those in need, and let the collective voice against abuse be a force for change. May your grace and mercy permeate every corner, fostering a culture of compassion and protection. Amen.”

16. Prayer for Awareness and Prevention

“Heavenly Father, we beseech You to raise awareness about the insidious nature of abuse and equip communities with the knowledge to prevent it. Illuminate the darkness with the light of truth, exposing hidden evils. Grant discernment to individuals, educators, and leaders to recognize the signs and take proactive measures. May prevention efforts be successful, and may your wisdom guide us in creating a world free from the chains of abuse. Amen.”

17. Prayer for Inner Peace

“Lord, extend your hand of comfort to abuse survivors, granting them inner peace that transcends their circumstances. Be their sanctuary in the midst of turmoil, soothing the wounds of the soul. May your presence bring a peace that surpasses understanding, calming the storms within and offering solace to weary hearts. In the embrace of your peace, may they find healing and restoration. Amen.”

18. Prayer for Comfort in Grief

“God of Comfort, we turn to You in prayer for those who carry the heavy burden of grief due to the loss of loved ones through abuse. In Your infinite compassion, wrap them in Your loving embrace, providing solace and strength.

May Your comforting presence be a balm to their wounded hearts, offering hope that transcends the pain of loss. Grant them the assurance of Your eternal love and the promise of a future where tears will be wiped away. Amen.”

19. Prayer for Restful Sleep

“Heavenly Father, we lift up those who suffer from nightmares and sleep disturbances as a result of the trauma of abuse. Grant them the gift of restful sleep, O Lord, that they may find solace and rejuvenation in Your peaceful embrace.

Calm the storms of their minds, dispel the shadows that haunt their dreams, and replace fear with the serenity that comes from knowing You are their refuge. May each night bring the rest they need for healing and restoration. Amen.”

Prayers for Empowerment

20. Prayer for Empowerment to Help Others

Lord, empower abuse survivors to become advocates and sources of support for others who are suffering. Use their stories for your glory. Amen.

21. Prayer for the Future

Almighty God, we pray for a future where abuse is eradicated, and where every person lives in safety and love. May your kingdom come, and your will be done. Amen.


Q1: Can prayer really help abuse victims?

Yes, prayer can provide comfort, strength, and guidance to abuse victims. It can help them find inner peace and the courage to seek help and healing.

Q2: Is it enough to pray, or should we also take practical steps to help abuse victims?

While prayer is powerful, it should be accompanied by practical actions. Reach out to support organizations, offer a listening ear, and encourage victims to seek professional help when needed.

Q3: How can I pray effectively for abuse victims if I don’t know their specific situation?

Pray for their overall healing, strength, and protection. Trust that God knows their needs intimately and will respond to your heartfelt prayers.


In times of darkness, prayer can be a beacon of hope for abuse victims. These 21 prayers encompass various aspects of their journey, from healing to empowerment, peace justice.

Let us remember that through prayer and action, we can be instruments of God’s love and healing in the lives of those who have suffered abuse. Together, we can make a difference in the world, one prayer at a time.

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