21 Prayers To Pray Over Children


Children, those precious gifts from the Lord, hold a special place in our hearts. They are entrusted to us for a season, and during this time, our role as parents, grandparents, or caregivers is not only to nurture, guide, and love them but also to lift them up in prayer.

These 21 prayers to pray over children are your spiritual arsenal, equipping you to intercede for the children in your life, seeking God’s wisdom, protection, and abundant blessings upon them.

Prayers To Pray Over Children

1. Prayer for Guidance and Direction

Prayer for Guidance and Direction

Dear Heavenly Father, we come before Your divine presence seeking guidance and direction for the children in our care. Just as You led the Israelites through the wilderness, we ask that You illuminate the path our children should follow.

Help them discern Your will, Lord, and grant them the courage to walk in it. May they be guided by Your Word, which is a lamp to their feet and a light to their path.

2. Prayer for Wisdom and Understanding

Prayer for Wisdom and Understanding

Eternal God, we beseech You to grant our children a profound wisdom that surpasses their years. May their hearts and minds be open to understanding Your Word and Your ways.

Let Your Spirit be their teacher, unraveling the mysteries of Your truth. In Your wisdom, they will find the answers to life’s questions, and through understanding, they will discern the path of righteousness.

3. Prayer for Protection

Prayer for Protection

Heavenly Father, we plead the precious blood of Jesus Christ over our children, invoking Your divine protection upon them. Guard them, O Lord, from harm, danger, and all malevolent influences.

Encompass them with Your angels, ensuring they are safe and secure under Your watchful eye. Shield them from the snares of the enemy, for Your protection is our refuge and fortress.

4. Prayer for Salvation

Prayer for Salvation (1)

Gracious Savior, we fervently pray for the salvation of our children. May they come to know You intimately, embracing You as their personal Savior and Lord. May the revelation of Your grace and the gift of eternal life be etched upon their hearts.

We declare that their names shall be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, for salvation belongs to our God.

5. Prayer for Obedience

Prayer for Obedience

O Lord, instill in our children hearts of obedience that honor and respect You. May they heed Your commandments, recognizing that obedience to You leads to life and blessing. Let their lives be a testament to the truth that obedience is the pathway to true freedom.

6. Prayer for Health

“Compassionate Healers, we humbly lift our beloved children before You, seeking Your divine touch for their complete well-being. Embrace them in Your healing presence, both physically and emotionally.

Heal any sickness or wounds they may bear, strengthening their bodies and infusing them with vitality. Grant them enduring joy and peace, knowing that You, O Lord, are their divine Physician. In Your mercy, bring them to robust health and wholeness. Amen.”

7. Prayer for Faith

“Mighty God, we fervently implore You to amplify the faith within our children. May their faith be an unwavering anchor in their lives, instilling in them the ability to trust You wholeheartedly in all circumstances.

Bestow upon them audacity to move mountains with their faith and the unwavering assurance that nothing is impossible with You. May their faith be a beacon of light, guiding them through every season of life. Amen.”

8. Prayer for Friendships

“Lord of Fellowship, we entrust our children’s friendships into Your hands. Guide them in choosing friends who share their faith and values. May their friendships be like iron sharpening iron, encouraging and uplifting one another in their walk with You.

Protect them from harmful associations and grant them discernment to recognize true companions who will journey with them in faith. In Your wisdom, surround them with friends who contribute to their spiritual growth. Amen.”

9. Prayer for Academic Success

God of all knowledge and wisdom, we entrust our children’s education to You. Grant them success in their studies, enabling them to excel in their pursuits. Bless their teachers and mentors, that they may be instruments of Your guidance and inspiration.

10. Prayer for a Heart of Compassion

Merciful God, we pray that our children’s hearts overflow with compassion. May they extend love and kindness to all they encounter, showing empathy to the hurting and grace to the undeserving. Teach them to bear one another’s burdens, reflecting Your boundless compassion.

11. Prayer for Courage

Almighty King, we beseech You to grant our children courage. Strengthen their hearts to stand unwaveringly for what is right, even in the face of adversity. May they be fearless in their pursuit of righteousness, knowing that You are their fortress and their shield.

12. Prayer for a Spirit of Generosity

God of abundance, instill in our children a spirit of generosity. Teach them the joy of giving, not just materially but also in love, forgiveness, and time. May they understand that it is more blessed to give than to receive, and in their generosity, they shall receive bountifully from Your hand.

13. Prayer for Purity

Holy and righteous God, we pray for the purity of our children’s hearts and minds. Guard them against the impurities of this world, preserving them in holiness. Let them be a living testimony of Your sanctifying power, reflecting Your purity in thought, word, and deed.

14. Prayer for Patience

Patient and longsuffering God, help our children develop the virtue of patience. Teach them to wait upon Your timing and trust in Your plans, knowing that Your ways are higher than their ways. May they find peace in the midst of waiting and grace in times of endurance.

15. Prayer for Humility

Lord of all creation, instill in our children humility. May they recognize that every good and perfect gift comes from You. Let pride be far from their hearts, and may they walk humbly before You, acknowledging Your sovereignty over their lives.

16. Prayer for Emotional Healing

Healers of broken hearts, we bring before You any emotional wounds our children may carry. Comfort them and fill their hearts with Your peace. May they experience emotional healing and find solace in Your presence.

17. Prayer for Protection from Temptation

Divine Protector, shield our children from the temptations of this world. Strengthen them to resist the lure of sin, and provide them with a way of escape when faced with trials. Let them find refuge in Your grace, knowing that You are faithful to deliver them.

18. Prayer for a Heart of Worship

God of all praise, ignite in our children a heart that worships You in spirit and truth. May they come to know the beauty and joy of worshiping You, offering their lives as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to You.

19. Prayer for Future Endeavors

Sovereign Lord, we surrender our children’s future endeavors into Your hands. Guide them in making choices that align with Your divine purpose for their lives. May they fulfill the destiny You have ordained for them, bringing glory to Your name.

20. Prayer for Rest

Provider of rest, grant our children restful sleep and peaceful dreams. Guard their minds from fear and anxiety, allowing them to enter into a place of sweet repose, knowing that You watch over them as they sleep.

21. Prayer for Gratitude

God of all blessings, teach our children the importance of gratitude. May they have hearts overflowing with thankfulness in all circumstances. Enable them to praise You for Your goodness, knowing that every good and perfect gift comes from above.


1. How can I make prayer a consistent part of my child’s life?

To make prayer a consistent part of your child’s life, establish a daily routine that includes prayer. Pray with them before bedtime, teach them to pray before meals, and encourage them to converse with God throughout the day. Lead by example, demonstrating the significance of prayer in your own life.

2. What if my child doesn’t want to pray or attend church?

It’s crucial to respect your child’s feelings and choices while gently guiding them in the right direction. Continue to pray for them and engage in open and honest conversations about faith. Set a loving and supportive example of a Christ-centered life, showing them the beauty of a relationship with God.

3. How do I know if my prayers for my child are working?

Trust in God’s timing and sovereignty. Sometimes, the impact of our prayers may not be immediately evident. Keep praying with faith and persistence, believing that God is at work in your child’s life, whether you see immediate results or not.

Remember that God’s ways are higher than our ways, and He is always working for the good of those who love Him.


Praying for your children is not only a privilege but also a profound responsibility. As you lift these 21 prayers before the Lord, you are sowing seeds of love, faith, and hope into their hearts. Trust that, over time, these prayers will bear fruit, shaping their character, and drawing them closer to the heart of God.

In your role as a guardian and intercessor, you play an essential part in God’s plan for your children’s lives. Keep praying, keep believing, and watch with expectant hearts as God’s hand moves mightily in their journey.

May these prayers be a source of comfort, inspiration, and strength as you continue to nurture the precious souls entrusted to your care.

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