7 Examples of Answered Prayers in the Bible

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  1. 7 Examples of Answered Prayers in the Bible
    1. 1. Hannah’s Prayer for a Child (1 Samuel 1:9-20)
      1. A. Introduction to Hannah’s Barrenness and Deep Anguish
      2. B. Her Sincere Plea to God and Eli the Priest’s Prophecy
      3. C. The Birth of Samuel as an Answer to Her Prayers
    2. 2. Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom (1 Kings 3:5-14)
      1. A. Solomon’s Dream and God’s Offer
      2. B. Solomon’s Humble Request for Wisdom to Lead Israel
      3. C. God Granting Him Unparalleled Wisdom and Additional Blessings
    3. 3. Hezekiah’s Prayer for Healing (2 Kings 20:1-7)
      1. A. Prophet Isaiah’s Message about Hezekiah’s Impending Death
      2. B. Hezekiah’s Heartfelt Prayer and Tears for Recovery
      3. C. God’s Response, Granting Him 15 More Years of Life
    4. 4. Elijah’s Prayer for Fire from Heaven (1 Kings 18:36-39)
      1. A. The Context of Baal Worship in Israel
      2. B. Elijah’s Challenge to the Prophets of Baal
      3. C. God Answering with Fire, Proving His Omnipotence
    5. 5. Moses’ Prayer to Spare Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
      1. A. Israel’s Sin with the Golden Calf
      2. B. God’s Intention to Destroy the Israelites and Make Moses a Great Nation
      3. C. Moses’ Intercessory Prayer and God’s Decision to Relent
    6. 6. Jabez’s Prayer for Blessing and Expansion (1 Chronicles 4:10):
      1. A. Introduction to Jabez and His Honorable Character
      2. B. His Request for Blessings, Territory Expansion, and Protection
      3. C. God Granting Him What He Requested
    7. 7. Jonah’s Prayer from the Belly of the Fish (Jonah 2:1-10)
      1. A. Jonah’s Disobedience and Subsequent Punishment
      2. B. His Prayer of Distress and Promise to Fulfill His Vow
      3. C. God’s Command to the Fish to Release Jonah
  2. Conclusion

The Bible, a revered and ancient text, is not merely a record of religious doctrine but also a treasury of stories that reveal the intricate relationship between humanity and the divine.

Throughout its pages, we find countless instances of individuals pouring out their hearts in prayer, seeking guidance, deliverance, and miracles.

In response, the Bible provides us with numerous examples of answered prayers—moments when God’s intervention and grace transformed lives and circumstances.

These stories serve as a source of inspiration and affirmation, reminding us that prayer is a powerful and meaningful connection to the divine.

In this exploration, we will delve into seven remarkable examples of answered prayers in the Bible, each demonstrating the profound impact of faith, trust, and divine intervention.

7 Examples of Answered Prayers in the Bible

1. Hannah’s Prayer for a Child (1 Samuel 1:9-20)

A. Introduction to Hannah’s Barrenness and Deep Anguish

The story of Hannah’s prayer for a child is a poignant account found in the book of 1 Samuel. Hannah, one of the two wives of Elkanah, faced the heart-wrenching challenge of barrenness.

In ancient Israel, the ability to bear children was highly valued, and being childless was often seen as a source of deep shame and sorrow.

Hannah’s anguish was palpable as she yearned for a child of her own, enduring not only the personal pain but also the taunts of her husband’s other wife, Peninnah.

B. Her Sincere Plea to God and Eli the Priest’s Prophecy

Hannah’s sorrow led her to the sanctuary at Shiloh, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. In a moment of intense prayer, she poured out her soul to God, making a heartfelt vow.

She promised that if God would grant her a son, she would dedicate him to His service all the days of his life. Eli, the high priest, observed Hannah’s fervent prayer.

Although he initially misunderstood her silent plea, he eventually blessed her, saying, “Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to him.”

C. The Birth of Samuel as an Answer to Her Prayers

Hannah’s faith and persistence were rewarded when she conceived and gave birth to a son, whom she named Samuel, meaning “heard by God.” This miraculous birth was a direct answer to her fervent prayers.

True to her vow, once Samuel was weaned, Hannah brought him to the sanctuary at Shiloh, where he would serve under Eli the priest, and later become a great prophet and judge in Israel.

Hannah’s story illustrates the power of unwavering faith and persistence in prayer and the profound impact that answered prayers can have on one’s life and the destiny of a nation.

2. Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom (1 Kings 3:5-14)

A. Solomon’s Dream and God’s Offer

Solomon, the son of King David, is renowned for his wisdom and his prayer for it is a remarkable testament to his character. In a dream at Gibeon, God appeared to Solomon and offered to grant him anything he desired. Instead of asking for riches, power, or long life, Solomon humbly requested wisdom to govern the people of Israel justly and wisely.

B. Solomon’s Humble Request for Wisdom to Lead Israel

Solomon’s prayer for wisdom was marked by humility and a deep sense of responsibility. He acknowledged his inadequacy and the weighty task of ruling a vast and diverse nation like Israel. His request reflected his genuine concern for the well-being of his people and his desire to honor God through his leadership.

C. God Granting Him Unparalleled Wisdom and Additional Blessings

God was pleased with Solomon’s selfless request. Not only did He grant Solomon unparalleled wisdom, making him renowned throughout the ancient world for his discernment, but God also bestowed upon him wealth, honor, and long life as a token of His favor. Solomon’s wisdom was notably displayed in the famous judgment involving two women claiming to be the mother of a child, where he proposed dividing the baby in two to reveal the true mother’s love.

3. Hezekiah’s Prayer for Healing (2 Kings 20:1-7)

A. Prophet Isaiah’s Message about Hezekiah’s Impending Death

King Hezekiah of Judah faced a grave illness that brought him to the brink of death. The prophet Isaiah delivered a somber message from God, informing Hezekiah that his time on earth was coming to an end. In the face of this dire pronouncement, Hezekiah turned to God in fervent prayer.

B. Hezekiah’s Heartfelt Prayer and Tears for Recovery

Hezekiah’s prayer was marked by his deep sorrow and tears. He reminded God of his faithfulness and devotion and pleaded for healing and a longer life. Hezekiah’s sincerity and emotional depth in prayer serve as a powerful example of the intensity of human supplication in times of desperate need.

C. God’s Response, Granting Him 15 More Years of Life

God, in His mercy, heard Hezekiah’s heartfelt prayer and granted him a remarkable sign of healing. Isaiah instructed Hezekiah to prepare a poultice of figs, which resulted in his recovery. Furthermore, God added to Hezekiah’s life an additional 15 years, a direct response to his prayer. During these years, Hezekiah achieved significant reforms and accomplishments in Judah.

4. Elijah’s Prayer for Fire from Heaven (1 Kings 18:36-39)

A. The Context of Baal Worship in Israel

During a dark period in Israel’s history, many had turned to the worship of the pagan god Baal. This idolatrous practice led to spiritual decay and moral degradation in the nation. Elijah, a prophet of the Lord, was called by God to confront this idolatry and call the people back to the worship of the one true God.

B. Elijah’s Challenge to the Prophets of Baal

In a dramatic showdown on Mount Carmel, Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to prove the legitimacy of their god. He proposed that they each prepare an altar with a sacrificial bull and call on their respective deities to send fire to consume the offering. The prophets of Baal fervently prayed and even cut themselves in desperation, but their god remained silent.

C. God Answering with Fire, Proving His Omnipotence

Elijah, in contrast, prepared his altar to the Lord, drenched it with water three times to emphasize the impossibility of human intervention, and then offered a simple yet earnest prayer. Immediately, fire descended from heaven and consumed the entire offering, including the altar and the water around it. This miraculous display of God’s power left no doubt about His supremacy, demonstrating that He alone is the true God of Israel. Elijah’s prayer, marked by unwavering faith, led to a profound manifestation of divine intervention.

5. Moses’ Prayer to Spare Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)

A. Israel’s Sin with the Golden Calf

In the wilderness, after the miraculous deliverance from Egypt, the Israelites fell into a grievous sin. They crafted a golden calf and worshiped it, forsaking the God who had brought them out of slavery. This idolatry provoked God’s anger, and He intended to destroy the rebellious Israelites.

B. God’s Intention to Destroy the Israelites and Make Moses a Great Nation

God, speaking to Moses, expressed His intention to consume the people with His wrath and make Moses a great nation in their place. This was a moment of testing, as God sought to see Moses’ response to this offer.

C. Moses’ Intercessory Prayer and God’s Decision to Relent

In response to God’s offer and the impending judgment, Moses interceded on behalf of the Israelites. He pleaded with God to spare them, reminding Him of His covenant with their forefathers and His reputation among the nations. Moses’ prayer was marked by deep compassion and selflessness, as he put the welfare of the people above his potential glory.

God, in His mercy, responded to Moses’ intercession and decided not to destroy the people. This event serves as a powerful testament to the impact of intercessory prayer and God’s willingness to relent in response to the prayers of a righteous leader.

6. Jabez’s Prayer for Blessing and Expansion (1 Chronicles 4:10):

A. Introduction to Jabez and His Honorable Character

Jabez, a relatively obscure figure in the Bible, is introduced in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. His name means “pain” or “sorrow,” suggesting a difficult or troubled life. Despite his circumstances, Jabez is described as honorable and sought the favor of the Lord.

B. His Request for Blessings, Territory Expansion, and Protection

Jabez’s prayer is a simple yet profound plea for divine intervention. He asked God to bless him, enlarge his territory, and keep him from harm and pain. Jabez recognized his dependence on God’s grace and sought His blessing for a more prosperous and secure life.

C. God Granting Him What He Requested

The Bible records that God granted Jabez’s request, giving him what he asked for. This short prayer illustrates the power of seeking God’s favor and blessing in one’s life, even in the face of difficult circumstances. It serves as an example of how a humble and earnest prayer can lead to tangible blessings and transformation.

7. Jonah’s Prayer from the Belly of the Fish (Jonah 2:1-10)

A. Jonah’s Disobedience and Subsequent Punishment

The story of Jonah is a well-known tale of disobedience and divine discipline. Jonah, a prophet, was instructed by God to go to the city of Nineveh and deliver a message of repentance. Instead, Jonah attempted to flee from God’s command by boarding a ship bound for Tarshish. In response, God sent a great storm that threatened to sink the ship.

B. His Prayer of Distress and Promise to Fulfill His Vow

Recognizing his rebellion and facing the consequences of his actions, Jonah was thrown into the sea and swallowed by a great fish. In the belly of the fish, Jonah offered a prayer of distress, acknowledging his dire situation and promising to fulfill his vow to God once again.

C. God’s Command to the Fish to Release Jonah

God, in His compassion, heard Jonah’s prayer from the depths of the sea. He commanded the fish to release Jonah onto dry land. This miraculous deliverance marked a turning point in Jonah’s journey, as he eventually obeyed God’s call to preach repentance in Nineveh.

Jonah’s prayer, from the darkest depths of his disobedience and despair, serves as a powerful reminder of God’s willingness to hear and respond to sincere repentance and supplication. It demonstrates that even in the most dire circumstances, God’s mercy can prevail, leading to a change of heart and renewed obedience to His will.


The stories of answered prayers in the Bible serve as timeless reminders of the boundless compassion and power of the divine. From the miraculous healing of the sick to the deliverance from dire circumstances, these narratives illustrate that no prayer is too insignificant, no request too small for the Creator’s attention.

As we reflect on these examples, we are encouraged to nurture our faith, recognizing that, like those who came before us, we too can experience the transformative power of prayer. In human history, these answered prayers are not mere tales of the past but enduring testimonies to the connection between God and humanity.

They remind us that, even in our most challenging moments, we can find solace, guidance, and hope in the act of prayer, trusting that our petitions may be answered in ways beyond our comprehension.

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