17 kingdom Advancement Prayer Points with Scriptures


Prayer is a powerful tool for believers, a means by which we can communicate with God, seek His guidance, and align ourselves with His divine purpose.

One profound aspect of prayer is interceding for the advancement of God’s kingdom on earth. As followers of Christ, we are called to be agents of His kingdom, actively participating in its expansion.

In this article, we’ll explore 17 kingdom advancement prayer points backed by relevant scriptures to guide your intercessory journey.

Kingdom Advancement Prayer Points with Scriptures

A Prayer for Divine Guidance in Kingdom Advancement

A Prayer for Divine Guidance in Kingdom Advancement

Heavenly Father, we come before you seeking divine guidance as we embark on the journey to advance your kingdom. In the midst of uncertainty, we trust in your unchanging wisdom.

Order our steps, O Lord, and let our hearts be attuned to the gentle leading of your Spirit. Grant us the discernment to navigate the paths you’ve set before us, and may our reliance on you be unwavering. Amen.

Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6

A Prayer for Unity Among Believers

A Prayer for Unity Among Believers

Lord, we raise our voices in unity, praying for a harmonious bond among your people. May the spirit of unity prevail among us, bringing with it your commanded blessings.

In the diversity of your body, knit our hearts together in love and understanding. Let the bond of peace be our constant companion, strengthening our collective witness to the world.

Scripture: Psalm 133:1

A Prayer for the Empowerment of the Holy Spirit

A Prayer for the Empowerment of the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, we invite your empowering presence as we engage in the work of advancing the kingdom. Fill us anew with the fire of your Spirit, granting us boldness and courage to be faithful witnesses for Christ.

Equip us with spiritual gifts that edify the body and glorify your name. May our lives be a testimony to the transformative power of your indwelling.

Scripture: Acts 1:8

A Prayer for Open Doors of Evangelism

A Prayer for Open Doors of Evangelism

Lord, we lift our voices in anticipation of open doors for the proclamation of the gospel. Grant us divine opportunities to share the message of salvation, and may your word go forth with irresistible power and conviction.

Remove hindrances, soften hearts, and prepare the soil for the seeds of truth to take root. May the name of Jesus be exalted in every corner of the earth.

Scripture: Colossians 4:3

A Prayer for Spiritual Awakening

A Prayer for Spiritual Awakening

Heavenly Father, in humility, we seek your face, praying for a profound spiritual awakening in our midst. Heal our land, O Lord, and revive our hearts with a hunger for righteousness.

Lead us in a collective turning toward you, so that we may experience the restoration and renewal that comes from genuine repentance. Let your light dispel the darkness, and may your presence be felt among us.

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14

A Prayer for the Expansion of God’s Kingdom

Lord Jesus, we stand in agreement, praying for the expansion of your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Let your will be the guiding force in our lives, and may your reign be recognized and accepted by all nations.

Unite your people in purpose and love, so that the transformative power of your kingdom may be evident in every corner of the globe. May your glory be proclaimed far and wide.

Scripture: Matthew 6:10

A Prayer for the Perseverance of Missionaries

Heavenly Father, we lift up missionaries across the globe who tirelessly spread your word. Grant them a supernatural perseverance that goes beyond physical and emotional challenges.

Protect them from harm, strengthen their spirits, and endow them with the wisdom and grace needed to make disciples of all nations. May their labor be fruitful, and may the seeds they sow in distant lands yield a bountiful harvest for your kingdom.

Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20

A Prayer for the Transformation of Lives

Holy Spirit, we come before you, desiring a radical transformation in our lives. Renew our minds, we pray, that we may discern your perfect will. Transform our thoughts and actions to align with your kingdom purposes.

May our lives be living testimonies of your transformative power, bringing glory to your holy name. Empower us to live as lights in the world, reflecting your love and grace to those around us.

Scripture: Romans 12:2

A Prayer for Divine Favor in Kingdom Initiatives

Lord, we seek your divine favor upon the initiatives aimed at advancing your kingdom. Establish the work of our hands, O God, and let your favor surround us like a shield.

May every effort, every project, and every outreach be under the covering of your divine favor. Grant us success as we labor for the expansion of your reign on earth. Establish the work of our hands for the glory of your name.

Scripture: Psalm 90:17

A Prayer for the Church to Shine as a Light

Heavenly Father, we fervently pray for your Church to shine as a radiant light in a darkened world. Illuminate us with the brilliance of your truth and love.

May our good deeds be a reflection of your glory, drawing others to the beauty of your salvation. Strengthen the collective testimony of your Church, that it may pierce through the darkness, pointing others toward the hope found in Christ.

Scripture: Matthew 5:14-16

A Prayer for the Revival of Love

Lord, revive within us the true essence of love—the love that is patient, kind, and selfless. May our actions be motivated by a genuine and sacrificial love as we seek to advance your kingdom.

Remove any trace of selfish ambition, and let the pure love described in 1 Corinthians 13 be the driving force behind our interactions. In a world hungry for love, may your Church be a beacon of the unconditional love found in Christ.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

A Prayer for the Empowerment of Kingdom Leaders

Holy Spirit, we humbly come before you, lifting up the leaders in your kingdom—pastors, teachers, and all who selflessly serve. We ask for a special outpouring of your empowerment upon them.

Endow them with wisdom, discernment, and a deep understanding of your Word as they lead your people. Strengthen them for the unique challenges they face, and may they be equipped for the work of ministry and the edification of the body.

Grant them the courage to lead with humility and the heart to serve with love.

Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-12

A Prayer for Financial Resources in Kingdom Work

Lord, our Provider, we bring before you our prayer for the provision of financial resources for the advancement of your kingdom. You are the source of all abundance, and we trust in your promise to supply all our needs according to your riches in glory.

Open doors of generosity, inspire hearts to contribute willingly, and may the resources needed for the various endeavors in your kingdom be made available abundantly. Let the financial provision be a testimony to your faithfulness and provision.

Scripture: Philippians 4:19

A Prayer for the Protection of Believers

Heavenly Father, we earnestly seek your protection over all believers engaged in the noble task of advancing your kingdom. According to your promise in Psalm 91, command your angels concerning us to guard us in all our ways.

Shield us from the schemes of the enemy, both seen and unseen. Let your protective hand be a fortress around us, that we may move forward in the confidence of your safeguarding presence. May your angels encamp around those who labor in your name.

Scripture: Psalm 91:11-12

A Prayer for a Heart for the Lost

Lord Jesus, instill within us a heart that mirrors yours—a heart for the lost. Just as you came to seek and save the lost, ignite in us a passion for those who are far from you.

Break our hearts for what breaks yours, and lead us in compassion and boldness to reach out to those who have yet to experience your saving grace. Let our lives be a living testament to the relentless love that pursues the lost and brings them into the fold of your eternal love.

Scripture: Luke 19:10

A Prayer for Wisdom in Kingdom Strategies

Holy Spirit, we acknowledge our need for your wisdom as we engage in planning and strategizing for the advancement of your kingdom. As we seek your face, grant us discernment and insight into your perfect will. Illuminate the path before us, that our strategies may align with your purposes. May the decisions we make be guided by your wisdom, and may our efforts bear fruit that glorifies your name.

Scripture: James 1:5

A Prayer for the Glory of God to Fill the Earth

Heavenly Father, in accordance with the words of the prophet Habakkuk, we join in prayer for the earth to be filled with the knowledge of your glory as the waters cover the sea.

May your presence be evident and undeniable in all nations. Let the knowledge of your glory permeate every heart, every community, and every nation.

May the transformative power of your glory bring healing, reconciliation, and redemption to the farthest reaches of the earth. May all creation declare the magnificence of your name.

Scripture: Habakkuk 2:14

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can I use these prayer points in my personal prayer time?
Absolutely! These prayer points are designed to guide your personal prayers as well as group intercession. Feel free to adapt them to your specific needs.

Q2: How often should I pray these kingdom advancement prayer points?
The frequency of your prayers can vary based on your personal or collective goals. You can incorporate them into your daily devotions, weekly prayer meetings, or as led by the Holy Spirit.

Q3: Are there other Bible verses that can be included in these prayers?
Certainly! The Bible is rich with verses that can complement these prayer points. Feel free to explore additional scriptures that resonate with each prayer point to enhance your intercession.


Praying for the advancement of God’s kingdom is not merely a religious duty; it’s a privilege and a calling. Through these 17 kingdom advancement prayer points infused with scriptural wisdom, you have the opportunity to engage in intercession that can transform lives, communities, and nations.

As you faithfully lift these petitions to God, may you witness the kingdom of heaven drawing near, and may your heart align more closely with the divine purpose of advancing God’s reign on earth.

In humble submission to His will, may your prayers be a powerful instrument of kingdom expansion, bringing hope, healing, and transformation to a world in need.

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