15 Spiritual Prayers for House Cleansing

15 Spiritual Prayers for House Cleansing

House cleansing is a spiritual practice that removes negative energy and creates a peaceful environment in your home.

Spiritual prayers can be a powerful tool in this process, helping to purify your home and invite positive energies into your space.

Whether you’re moving into a new home, experiencing a negative presence in your current one, or simply seeking to cultivate a more harmonious atmosphere, spiritual prayers for house cleansing can be a valuable addition to your spiritual practice.

These prayers can be personalized to your specific beliefs and intentions, making them versatile and practical to support your spiritual well-being and create a sacred space in your home.


Spiritual Prayers for House Cleansing

Some people believe that the energy in their homes can significantly impact their overall well-being. Negative energies can cause stress, anxiety, and even physical illness, while positive energies can promote happiness, health, and prosperity.

With intention, mindfulness, and a willingness to let go of negative energies, you can invite positive energy and abundance into your life and cultivate a sense of peace and well-being in your home.

Incorporating spiritual prayers into your house cleansing routine can be a meaningful and effective way to support your spiritual growth and create a more harmonious home environment.


1. A Prayer of Blessing


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Dear God, we come before you today to ask for your blessing upon our home.

We pray that you would pour out your grace and favor upon this place and that it would be a haven of peace, love, and joy.

We ask that You bless our comings and goings, work and rest, and all we do within these walls.

May our home be a place of refuge and comfort, where we can feel your presence and experience your love.

We thank you for your abundant blessings and trust your faithful provision for our home.



2. A Prayer of Provision for the Home


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Dear Lord, we come to you today to ask for your provision for our home.

We pray that you will provide us with everything we need to make this place a safe and comfortable home for ourselves and our loved ones.

We ask that you provide us with the necessary resources to maintain our home and keep it in good repair.

We also ask that you provide us with the finances to meet our monthly bills and expenses.

May our home be a place of abundance and provision, where we can share your blessings with others.

We thank You for Your faithful provision and trust in Your abundant grace.



3. A Prayer of Authority to Trample on Every Power of the Enemy


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Heavenly Father, we come before you today to claim the authority you have given us as your children.

We pray that you would give us the strength and courage to trample on every power of the enemy that seeks to bring harm to our home.

We declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and that every tongue that rises against us in judgment will be condemned.

We pray that you would surround our home with a hedge of protection and that your angels would encamp around us to keep us safe from harm.

We thank You for Your power and authority and trust in Your mighty protection.



4. A Prayer of Release of the Atmosphere of Heaven on the House


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Dear Lord, we ask that you would release the atmosphere of heaven on our home.

We pray that your peace, love, and joy will fill every room and that the presence of your Holy Spirit will permeate every corner of our home.

We ask that you cleanse our home of all negative energies and invite your positive and uplifting energies to fill every space.

May our home be a sanctuary where we can feel Your presence and experience Your grace.

We thank you for your presence in our home and trust your faithful love.



5. A Prayer to Bring My Home Under God’s Surveillance


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Lord, we come before you today to ask that you bring our home under your divine surveillance.

We pray that your eyes will be upon our home and that your presence will be felt in every room.

We ask that you watch over our home and family and protect us from all harm and danger.

May our home be a place of safety and security, where we can feel your presence and experience your love.

We thank you for your faithful surveillance and trust in your lasting protection.



6. A Renouncement of Ungodliness and Sinful Activity in the House


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Father, we come before you today to renounce any ungodliness or sinful activity that may have taken place in our home.

We ask that you forgive us for actions, thoughts, or words that do not align with your will.

We pray that You would cleanse our home of any negative energy or lingering presence of sin and fill it with Your love, grace, and peace.

We commit ourselves and our home to you and ask that you guide us.

We thank You for Your forgiveness and mercy and trust in Your unfailing love.



7. A Prayer to Break all Curses or Evil Agreements Ever made in or over this House


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Lord, we come to you today to break any curses or evil agreements that may have been made in or over our home.

We declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and that every curse and evil intention spoke over our home shall be null and void.

We ask that you would release your power and authority over our home and break every chain and stronghold that may have been established.

We pray that your peace and love will reign in our home and that we will be protected from all harm and danger.

We thank you for your deliverance, protection, and trust in your unfailing strength.



8. A Command to Every Foul and Unclean Spirit To Be Bound Now and to Leave My House


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In the name of Jesus Christ, we command every foul and unclean spirit to be bound now and to leave our home.

We declare that our home is a holy and sacred place and that no demonic force shall be allowed to remain within its walls.

We ask that you surround our home with your angels and protect us from all evil.

We pray that your peace and love will fill our home and that we will always feel your presence and protection.

We thank You for Your victory over every enemy and trust in Your unfailing power.



9. A Prayer to Cancel Every Claim and Right The Enemy Might Have in the House


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Lord God Almighty, we come to you today to cancel every claim and right the enemy might have in our House.

We declare that our home is a holy and sacred place and that no power of darkness shall have any hold or influence over it.

We pray that you would break every chain and stronghold the enemy may have established and that your angels would be sent to surround and protect us.

We declare that every demonic force and influence must leave our home now, in the mighty name of Jesus.

We thank you for your protection, power, and trust in your unfailing love.



10. A Prayer of Consecration and Dedication of the House


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Lord, we come before you today to consecrate and dedicate our home to you.

We ask that you fill every room with your presence and make our home a sanctuary of peace, love, and grace.

We dedicate every inch of our home to your service and ask that you use it for your glory.

We pray that our home will be where your name is lifted high and your love is made known.

We commit ourselves and our home to you and trust your unfailing faithfulness.



11. A Prayer to Invite the Presence of the Holy Spirit in the House

Holy Spirit, we invite your presence into our home.

We ask that you fill every room with love, joy, and peace.

We pray that your presence will be felt in every conversation, thought, and action in our home.

We ask that you lead, guide, and help us walk according to your will.

We thank you for your faithfulness and presence, and trust in your unfailing guidance.



12. A Prayer to Fill the House with Love and Rest

Father, we ask that you fill our home with love and rest.

We pray that every heart that enters our home will be filled with your love and peace and that every person who leaves will feel refreshed and renewed.

We ask that you bless our home with your presence and that your love flow freely through every room.

We pray that our home would be a place of refuge and rest and that your peace would reign in every situation.

We thank you for your goodness, love, and trust in your unfailing provision.



13. A Prayer for a Shield of Protection

Lord, we pray for a shield of protection over our home.

We ask that you send your angels to surround and guard us against every evil scheme and enemy attack.

We pray that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and that every tongue that rises against us in judgment shall be silenced.

We declare that our home is a haven under your protection and that nothing can harm us as long as we are in your care.

We thank you for your mighty power, protection, and trust in your unfailing love.



14. A Proclamation that this House and its Property Belong to God

Heavenly Father, we proclaim that this House and its property belong to you.

We dedicate every room, every corner, and every inch of our home to your service and glory.

We declare that our home is a holy and sacred place and that nothing unclean or unholy shall enter.

We pray that You would use our home for Your purposes and bless it abundantly.

We thank you for your ownership, care, and trust in your unfailing provision.



15. A Declaration that My House is a Place of Peace and Freedom

Lord, we declare that our House is a place of peace and freedom.

We pray that your love and grace would fill every room and that your peace would reign in every situation.

We declare that every chain and stronghold of the enemy is broken and that we are free to live in the fullness of your joy and peace.

We pray that our home would be a place of refuge and rest and that every person who enters would feel your love and grace.

We thank you for your peace, freedom, and trust in your unfailing goodness.




Spiritual prayers for house cleansing are potent and effective ways to invite God’s presence into our homes and protect our families from the schemes of the enemy.

Through prayer, we can consecrate and dedicate our homes to God’s service and declare His ownership and authority over our property.

We can invite the Holy Spirit to fill every room with love and rest and break every curse or agreement made over our homes.

With these prayers, we can create a peaceful and safe haven for ourselves and our loved ones, knowing that God’s protection and provision are with us always.

May we continue to seek God’s presence and dedicate our homes to His service, trusting in His unfailing love and care.


Northwoods Community Church

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