19 Psalm 91 Prayer Over Family


The 91st Psalm, often referred to as the “Psalm of Protection,” is a timeless source of comfort, strength, and hope for Christians around the world.

Its verses are imbued with the promise of God’s unwavering protection, making it a powerful tool for safeguarding our families in an increasingly uncertain world.

In this article, we will explore 19 Psalm 91 prayers that you can fervently lift for the well-being and safety of your loved ones.

19 Psalm 91 Prayer Over Family

Before we delve into these heartfelt prayers, let’s take a moment to reflect on the significance of Psalm 91. This Psalm, attributed to King David, serves as a divine assurance of God’s sheltering presence. It reminds us that, just as a bird finds refuge under the shadow of its wings, we too can find refuge in the Almighty.

1. Prayer for God’s Abiding Presence

Prayer for God's Abiding Presence

Lord, I pray that your presence continually dwells within our family. May your divine love and protection envelop us like a shield, guarding us from all harm.

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to forget that God is ever near. This prayer serves as a reminder that God’s presence is a constant source of comfort for our family.

2. Prayer for Deliverance from Fear

Prayer for Deliverance from Fear

Heavenly Father, cast away fear from the hearts of our family members. Let us walk in unwavering faith, knowing that you are with us, and no evil shall befall us.

Fear has a way of gripping our hearts and minds. Through this prayer, we seek deliverance from fear, trusting in God’s protective care.

3. Prayer for Physical Safety

prayer for Physical Safety (1) (1)

Lord, I pray for the physical safety of each member of our family. Protect us from accidents, illnesses, and harm. Let your angels watch over us day and night.

In a world filled with dangers, this prayer invokes God’s angels to guard our family members and keep them safe from harm.

4. Prayer for Emotional Strength

Prayer for Emotional Strength

Dear God, grant us emotional resilience in times of trials. May your peace and joy fill our hearts, providing us with the strength to face any challenge together as a family.

Emotional strength is vital for family unity. This prayer seeks God’s grace to help us navigate the ups and downs of life with unwavering joy.

5. Prayer for Financial Security

Prayer for Financial Security

Lord, bless our family with financial security. May our needs be met, and may we have an abundance to share with those in need.

Financial stability is a cornerstone of a harmonious family life. This prayer seeks God’s provision and generosity.

6. Prayer for Wisdom in Decision-Making

Heavenly Father, grant us wisdom and discernment in our family decisions. Guide us in choosing the paths that align with your will.

Every family faces decisions, big and small. This prayer asks for God’s wisdom to make choices that honor Him.

7. Prayer for Unity and Love

Lord, may our family be bound together by love and unity. Help us to forgive and support one another, fostering an environment of love and acceptance.

Unity and love are the foundations of a strong family. This prayer seeks God’s grace to nurture these qualities within our family.

8. Prayer for Spiritual Growth

Dear God, ignite in us a hunger for your Word. May our family grow in faith and draw closer to you with each passing day.

Spiritual growth is a lifelong journey. This prayer asks for God’s guidance in nurturing our family’s spiritual development.

9. Prayer for Protection from Evil Influences

Lord, shield our family from the snares of the enemy. Guard us against negative influences and temptations that seek to harm our faith and well-being.

In a world filled with temptations, this prayer invokes God’s protection against influences that could lead our family astray.

10. Prayer for Health and Well-Being

Heavenly Father, grant our family good health and vitality. Bless us with the strength to serve you and others with joyful hearts.

Physical and mental health are essential for a fulfilling life. This prayer seeks God’s blessings for our family’s well-being.

11. Prayer for Guidance in Parenting

Lord, grant us wisdom as parents. Help us raise our children in the ways of righteousness, instilling values that honor you.

Parenting is a sacred responsibility. This prayer asks for God’s guidance in nurturing and teaching our children.

12. Prayer for Safety During Travel

Dear God, protect our family when we travel. Watch over us on the road and in the air, ensuring our safe arrival at our destinations.

Traveling can be fraught with risks. This prayer seeks God’s safeguarding hand during family journeys.

13. Prayer for Employment and Career Success

Lord, guide our family members in their careers. Bless them with opportunities for growth and success, and let them be a light in their workplaces.

Career pursuits can be challenging. This prayer seeks God’s guidance and blessings for our family’s professional endeavors.

14. Prayer for Grace in Times of Conflict

Heavenly Father, grant us grace and patience in times of conflict. Help us resolve disagreements with love and humility, preserving the peace in our family.

Conflict is inevitable in any family. This prayer seeks God’s intervention to navigate conflicts with grace.

15. Prayer for Protection from Spiritual Attacks

Dear God, shield our family from spiritual attacks and schemes of the enemy. Let your angels stand guard against any form of spiritual harm.

Spiritual warfare is real, and this prayer invokes God’s protection against unseen forces.

16. Prayer for Hope in Difficult Times

Lord, in times of adversity, be our source of hope and strength. Help us endure trials with unwavering faith, knowing that you are working all things for our good.

Difficult times can test our faith. This prayer seeks God’s presence and hope during challenging moments.

17. Prayer for God’s Favor and Blessings

Heavenly Father, shower our family with your favor and blessings. May we be a testament to your goodness and grace in our lives.

God’s favor and blessings are abundant. This prayer asks for His abundant blessings to be poured upon our family.

18. Prayer for Safety in Natural Disasters

Dear God, protect our family in times of natural disasters. Shield us from harm and guide us in making wise preparations.

Natural disasters can be devastating. This prayer seeks God’s protection and guidance in times of crisis.

19. Prayer for Eternal Security

Lord, grant our family the assurance of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. May we be reunited in your presence for all eternity.

Ultimately, our greatest hope is in eternal life. This prayer expresses our desire for the salvation of our family members.



The 19 Psalm 91 prayers over your family are a powerful way to invoke God’s protection, guidance, and blessings upon your loved ones. In times of joy and sorrow, in moments of calm and crisis, these prayers serve as a steadfast anchor for your family’s well-being.

As you incorporate them into your spiritual life, may you experience the peace and assurance that only God’s presence can provide.

Remember, the 91st Psalm reminds us that those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Let your family be covered by His loving wings, and may His grace surround you always.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1: How often should I pray these Psalm 91 prayers for my family?

It’s important to cultivate a regular prayer routine for your family’s well-being. You can incorporate these prayers into your daily or weekly devotions, as well as during specific times of need or celebration.

FAQ 2: Can I customize these prayers to fit the unique needs of my family?

Absolutely! These prayers are meant to serve as

a foundation. Feel free to personalize them, add specific names or circumstances, and make them your own as you lift your family before the Lord.

FAQ 3: Are there specific times or situations when these prayers are especially effective?

While these prayers can be offered at any time, they can be particularly powerful during moments of uncertainty, crisis, or transition. Trust in God’s protection and guidance as you pray these Psalms over your family.

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