17 Prayers With The Dying


In the final moments of life, when the veil between this world and the next grows thin, the power of prayer becomes especially profound.

“17 Prayers with the Dying” is a poignant collection that delves into the spiritual and emotional depth of accompanying those at the threshold of life’s end.

These prayers serve as a testament to the human capacity for compassion, empathy, and the unwavering belief in the transcendent nature of existence.

17 Prayers with the Dying

Join us as we explore these prayers that provide solace, peace, and hope to both the dying and those who stand beside them during this sacred transition.

A Prayer for Those Who Fear Dying

A Prayer for Those Who Fear Dying

Gracious and Merciful God, In moments of fear and uncertainty about the journey into the unknown, we come before you seeking salvation and a deeper relationship with you.

For those who fear the approach of death, I pray that you reveal to them the purpose of their life here on earth. Help them understand that, in your boundless love, you have a plan for each of us, even beyond this mortal existence.

Grant them the assurance of your presence, that they may find peace and solace in their faith. May the fear of death be replaced by the anticipation of eternal life with you.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

A Prayer for Funerals

A Prayer for Funerals

Loving Savior, As we gather to say our earthly goodbyes, we find comfort in the knowledge that you, too, understand grief. You, who wept at the loss of a dear friend, know the depths of our sorrow.

Help us reflect on the significance of your tears, reminding us of your empathy and love for us. As we mourn, may we find solace in the hope of your resurrection and the promise of eternal life with you.

Be with us, O Lord, as we bid farewell to our loved ones, knowing that your grace sustains us through every trial.

In your name, we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For All Our Tears

A Prayer For All Our Tears

Compassionate Savior, You understand and respond to the complex emotions expressed through tears. We bring before you all our tears, those shed in joy and those in sorrow.

We trust you, Jesus, to comprehend the depths of our hearts, even when our words fail. Grant us comfort and hope in times of loss and sadness.

May our tears be a testament to the depth of our emotions, and may your presence be our constant source of strength and consolation.

In your compassionate name, we pray. Amen.

A Prayer for When You Grieve a Lost Loved One

A Prayer for When You Grieve a Lost Loved One

Heavenly Father, Amid grief, we seek your strength and presence to guide us through this difficult journey. For those who grieve the loss of a loved one, we ask that you grant them the endurance to bear this heavy burden.

Let joy and hope be restored in their hearts, knowing that you are the source of eternal comfort. Be their refuge in times of sorrow and their light in the darkness of grief.

Surround them with your love, O Lord, and bring healing to their wounded spirits.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

A Prayer for Fear of the Sting of Death

A Prayer for Fear of the Sting of Death

Victorious Savior, You have conquered death and its sting through your sacrifice and resurrection. We pray for those who fear the approach of death, that they may fix their gaze on heavenly things rather than the fear of mortality.

Help us remember that death is not the end but the beginning of eternal life with you. May the victory over death that you achieved on the cross be our source of hope and assurance.

In your triumphant name, we pray. Amen.

A Prayer for Those Amid Tragedy

Compassionate and Just God, In times of tragedy, we come before you with heavy hearts, seeking your comfort and peace. We pray for those affected by tragedy, that you would wrap them in your loving arms and provide solace for their pain.

May your presence be a beacon of light in their darkest hours. We also pray for the defeat of evil forces and the salvation of lost souls, that good may triumph over evil, and that hearts may turn toward you in times of crisis. Grant us the strength to be instruments of your love and healing in the world.

In your name, we pray. Amen.

A Prayer for the Dying

Merciful Father, As we stand beside someone nearing the end of their life’s journey, we ask for your comforting presence to surround them.

Grant them the peace that comes from knowing your promises, so that they may approach their final moments with serenity. Be with them, O Lord, in their physical and spiritual needs, and may their transition be one of grace and assurance. In your loving arms, we entrust their soul.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

A Prayer for Comfort and Strength for the Dying

Loving Savior, As we witness the end of a life’s journey, we pray for your grace to envelop the dying. Bring them comfort in their pain and grant them deliverance from suffering.

May their departure from this world be blessed, and may they experience the peace that surpasses all understanding. Grant them the assurance of eternal life with you. Be with them, dear Lord, as they prepare to meet you face to face.

In your comforting presence, we find our hope. Amen.

A Prayer for a Dying Person

Merciful and Loving Lord, As we stand before someone nearing the end of their earthly journey, we pray for their comfort, forgiveness of sins, and strength during this profound moment.

May they find solace in your presence and peace in your promises. We ask for a good fight and a victory over the fear of death. Let your grace fill their heart, dear Lord, as they prepare to meet you.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

A Supplication for the Dying

Gracious and Compassionate Savior, In the final moments of life, we implore your presence to bring comfort to the dying. May your grace surround them, shielding them from pain and fear.

Let your angels guide them gently into the arms of eternal rest. We entrust their soul to your loving care. Grant them peace and assurance as they journey from this world to the next.

In your name, we offer this supplication. Amen.

Prayer for Acceptance of Death

Heavenly Father, Help us find peace in accepting the inevitable reality of death. Grant us the grace to face this moment with courage and serenity, knowing that you hold the keys to eternal life.

Prepare our hearts to meet you, O Lord, and let us trust in your divine plan. May we find solace in the assurance of your presence, even in the face of death.

In your name, we pray. Amen.

Prayer for the Family of the Dying

Loving God, Amid the impending loss of a loved one, we lift the family who surrounds them. Grant them strength, unity, and comfort during this difficult time.

Be their refuge and source of solace as they navigate the emotions and challenges that accompany the final moments. Help them find support in their faith and one another.

In your loving embrace, we place this family. Amen.

Prayer for Medical Staff and Caregivers

Divine Healer, We pray for the medical staff and caregivers who tirelessly serve those who are dying. Grant them wisdom and strength as they provide care and support.

Guide their hands and minds, so that they may make the best decisions for their patients. May they find fulfillment in their noble work and be instruments of your healing grace. Bless and protect them, O Lord. Amen.

Prayer for a Peaceful Transition

Gentle Savior, We ask for a peaceful and pain-free transition for the one who is nearing the end of their earthly journey. May your angels guide them gently into the arms of eternal rest.

Grant them serenity and comfort as they cross the threshold from this life to the next. We trust in your promises, dear Lord, and we pray for a blessed departure. In your loving embrace, we find our hope. Amen.

Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Dying Person’s Life

Heavenly Father, As we prepare to say our farewells to a loved one, we thank you for the gift of their life. We celebrate the memories, the laughter, and the love they have shared with us and with others.

May their legacy continue to inspire and touch the lives of those they leave behind. We thank you for their presence in our lives and ask that you welcome them into your eternal embrace.

In gratitude, we offer this prayer. Amen.


As we conclude our journey through “17 Prayers with the Dying,” we are reminded of the profound significance of prayer in the face of mortality. These prayers serve as a lifeline connecting us to the divine, offering solace and comfort to those in their final moments and to their loved ones who bear witness to this sacred journey. In times of death, we find a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the unyielding strength of the human spirit. May these prayers continue to guide and console us as we navigate the depths of our shared humanity and our unwavering faith in the eternal.

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