19 Prayers For A Hurting Friend


Life is a journey marked by both moments of joy and seasons of sorrow. In those profound moments of pain and despair, we instinctively turn to the divine, seeking solace, healing, and strength not only for ourselves but also for the ones we hold dear.

If you find yourself with a hurting friend in need of spiritual support, we offer you a collection of 19 heartfelt prayers. These prayers are designed to uplift their soul and draw them closer to the boundless wellspring of God’s healing grace.

19 Prayers for a Hurting Friend

1. A Prayer for Comfort

A Prayer for Comfort

Dear Heavenly Father, in this moment of shared burden, I approach your divine presence with a heart weighed down by the suffering of my dear friend.

beseech you, O Lord, to enfold them in the warmth of your loving embrace. Let your comforting presence wash over them, granting solace that transcends human understanding. May the knowledge of your unwavering presence bring solace to their troubled heart.

2. A Prayer for Healing

A Prayer for Healing

Lord Jesus, you are the ultimate healer, capable of mending not only physical wounds but also soothing the deepest of emotional scars. I humbly implore you to lay your gentle hand upon my friend’s body, mind, and spirit.

Bring forth the miraculous power of your healing grace, mending physical ailments, and pouring balm upon emotional wounds. Grant them the serene peace that only your presence can provide.

3. A Prayer for Strength

A Prayer for Strength

Almighty God, amid trials, we often find ourselves weakened by adversity. I earnestly seek your divine intervention to bestow upon my friends the strength they so desperately require. Infuse them with inner resilience, granting them the courage to confront each new day with unwavering hope.

In their weakness, may they discover the unshakable strength that emerges from their faith in you.

4. A Prayer for Peace

A Prayer for Peace (1)

Prince of Peace, your tranquil presence is a refuge amidst life’s turbulent storms. Pour forth your calming peace upon the restless heart of my friend. Let your serenity reign in their thoughts and emotions, guiding them to a place of tranquil reprieve amid life’s tempestuous seas.

5. A Prayer for Wisdom

A Prayer for Wisdom (1)

Eternal Father, in moments of confusion and challenge, grant my friend the divine gift of wisdom and discernment. May they find clarity in the sacred pages of your Word and discern your purpose amid their trials. Equip them to make choices that resonate with your divine plan for their life.

6. A Prayer for Patience

Loving God, while waiting and uncertain, imparts the precious virtue of patience to my friend. Teach them to trust in your perfect timing, even when it eludes their understanding. Let them rest in the assurance that you orchestrate all things for their ultimate good.

7. A Prayer for Hope

Lord of Hope, breathes new life into my friend’s spirit, infusing it with hope that transcends the limitations of circumstances. May they glimpse the glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel and hold steadfast to the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

8. A Prayer for Forgiveness

Merciful Savior, should any bitterness or unforgiveness dwell within my friend’s heart, I humbly beseech you to grant them the grace to forgive. Release the burdens that weigh heavily upon their soul, allowing the soothing balm of your forgiveness to bring them peace.

9. A Prayer for Faith

Faithful God, strengthen my friend’s faith in you. Grant them the unwavering conviction that, even when the path is obscured, you work tirelessly behind the scenes. Increase their faith, enabling them to move mountains through the power of their belief in you.

10. A Prayer for Protection

Heavenly Guardian, I implore you to encircle my friend with your protective presence. Shield them from both the visible and unseen threats that may assail them. May they dwell securely beneath the shadow of your divine wings, finding refuge in your unfailing care.

11. A Prayer for Gratitude

Gracious Provider, lead my friend to discover reasons for gratitude amidst their anguish. Open their eyes to the manifold blessings that surround them, cultivating a heart overflowing with thankfulness.

12. A Prayer for Friendship

God of Community, send forth compassionate and supportive friends into my friend’s life to walk hand in hand through this challenging season. Let the radiance of genuine friendship and companionship envelop them, becoming a beacon of hope in their darkest hours.

13. A Prayer for Guidance

Divine Counselor, take my friend by the hand and guide their steps along the path of righteousness. Illuminate their way through the profound wisdom found within your Word. Reveal your purpose for their life, giving them the strength to fulfill it.

14. A Prayer for Joy

Source of Joy, infuse moments of delight and laughter into my friend’s life, even amidst their pain. Let them experience the profound joy that emanates from knowing you and being enveloped by your presence.

15. A Prayer for Surrender

Sovereign Lord, assist my friend in surrendering their worries and anxieties unto you. Grant them the tranquil peace that comes from laying their burdens at your feet and embracing your divine plan, even when it remains veiled in mystery.

16. A Prayer for Restoration

God of Redemption, embark upon the journey of restoring that which is broken in my friend’s life. Heal fractured relationships, mend wounded hearts, and orchestrate reconciliation and wholeness beyond their wildest dreams.

17. A Prayer for Courage

Mighty God, breathe courage into the trembling heart of my friend. Infuse them with the indomitable spirit to confront their fears and uncertainties head-on. May they take solace in the knowledge that you are their refuge and strength, a constant and ever-present help in times of trouble.

18. A Prayer for Perseverance

Lord of Endurance, empower my friend with the tenacity to persevere through the trials that beset them. Bestow upon them the unwavering determination to press forward, fully cognizant that you are their ultimate wellspring of strength.

19. A Prayer for Gracious Acceptance

Loving Father, instill within my friend the grace to accept whatever outcome life may unveil. Let them rest assured in the knowledge that your sovereignty reigns supreme, and your divine plans far surpass our limited understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I pray these prayers on behalf of my hurting friend, or should they pray them themselves?

You are most certainly encouraged to offer these prayers on behalf of your hurting friend. In times of distress, intercessory prayer becomes a potent channel for support and upliftment. By lifting their burdens in prayer, you tangibly demonstrate your love and compassion.

Q2: How often should I pray these prayers for my hurting friend?

The frequency of prayer need not adhere to a rigid schedule. Pray as often as your heart is moved to do so. Some individuals find solace in daily prayers, while others may offer them on significant occasions or upon receiving updates about their friend’s situation. The essence of effective prayer lies in its sincerity and compassion.

Q3: What should I do if my friend’s pain persists despite my prayers?

If your friend’s pain persists or worsens despite your prayers, it is crucial to encourage them to seek professional help. Medical, psychological, or counseling assistance may be necessary, and it is entirely appropriate for prayer to complement these forms of support.


In the depths of trouble and despair, prayer stands as an unwavering pillar of solace, strength, and hope. The 19 prayers provided for a hurting friend serve as a beacon, guiding you to intercede on their behalf and drawing them nearer to the unfathomable wellspring of God’s divine healing and comfort.

As you raise your friend in prayer, remember that God’s love and grace are boundless, and through unwavering faith, we discover peace, even amidst the tempestuous seas of life’s trials.

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