21 Supportive Prayers For A Brother

21 Supportive prayers for a brother

our relationships with our siblings hold a unique and irreplaceable significance. Brothers, whether bound by blood or chosen as kindred spirits, journey alongside us through the peaks and valleys of existence, offering companionship, support, and unwavering solidarity.

As they navigate the complexities of life, facing trials, celebrating victories, and wrestling with their own inner struggles, our hearts are drawn to uplift them in prayer.

In this sacred act of intercession, we find solace in communing with the Divine, seeking blessings, guidance, and protection for our cherished brothers. Thus, we embark on a journey of faith, weaving together a 21 Supportive prayers for a brother, each thread a testament to our love and devotion to those who hold a special place in our hearts.

Prayers For A Brother

1. Prayer for Strength and Courage

Almighty God, sovereign over all, we humbly beseech You to grant our brother, O Lord, the strength to overcome any obstacles that stand in his path.

May he be fortified with courage to confront adversity with unwavering resolve, knowing that You are his constant source of support and refuge. Strengthen his innermost being with Your mighty power, that he may rise above every challenge and emerge victorious through the trials of life.

Infuse his spirit with the courage of a lion, enabling him to face each day with boldness and determination. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

2. Prayer for Guidance and Wisdom

O Divine Wisdom, eternal and unchanging, illuminate the path of our brother with Your radiant light. May he discern Your will with clarity and understanding, making decisions that are aligned with Your divine purpose and for the highest good of all.

Pour out Your wisdom upon him like a gentle stream, refreshing his soul and guiding his steps along the narrow way. Grant him insight beyond his years, that he may walk in the footsteps of the righteous and pursue the path of righteousness. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

3. Prayer for Protection

Heavenly Father, omniscient and omnipotent, encircle our brother with Your divine protection. Shield him from harm, both seen and unseen, and safeguard him from the snares of temptation and evil. Let Your angels stand guard over him, guiding his steps and preserving his well-being.

May Your mighty hand be his constant shield and fortress, defending him against the onslaught of the enemy and keeping him safe from every danger. Surround him with Your presence like a mighty fortress, that no harm may befall him. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

4. Prayer for Healing

Merciful Healer, compassionate and full of grace, pour forth Your restoring grace upon our brother. Touch him with Your healing hand, bringing comfort to his body, mind, and spirit.

May Your divine presence bring wholeness and renewal to every aspect of his being. Heal him from the wounds of the past and restore him to health and vitality. Let Your healing power flow through him like a gentle breeze, bringing peace and restoration to his soul. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

5. Prayer for Peace

Prince of Peace, serene and unchanging, bestow upon our brother the tranquility that surpasses all understanding. Calm the storms that rage within his heart and mind, and fill him with Your abiding peace that transcends worldly turmoil.

Grant him serenity in the midst of chaos and solace in times of distress. Let Your peace reign in his heart like a gentle river, flowing from the throne of grace and washing away all anxiety and fear. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

6. Prayer for Success

Gracious Provider, generous and merciful, bless the endeavors of our brother with abundant success. May his efforts be crowned with prosperity and fulfillment, as he glorifies You through the prudent stewardship of his talents and resources.

Grant him wisdom and insight to seize every opportunity that comes his way. May Your favor rest upon him, opening doors of opportunity and prosperity. Let Your blessings overflow in his life like a mighty river, enriching him with every spiritual and material blessing. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

7. Prayer for Joy

Source of Joy, boundless and everlasting, infuse our brother’s life with the radiant delight of Your presence. May he rejoice in Your goodness and find solace in the simple pleasures that adorn each day, knowing that true happiness springs from a heart attuned to Your love.

Fill him with joy unspeakable and full of glory, even in the midst of trials and tribulations. Let Your joy be his strength, lifting him up on wings like eagles and carrying him through every trial and adversity. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

8. Prayer for Patience

Eternal Father, patient and long-suffering, grant our brother the virtue of patience to endure life’s trials with steadfast perseverance. Teach him to wait upon Your perfect timing, trusting in Your faithfulness to bring about blessings beyond measure.

Help him to remain steadfast in the face of adversity, knowing that You are working all things together for his good. May his patience be a testament to Your faithfulness and goodness. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

9. Prayer for Forgiveness

Merciful Redeemer, gracious and compassionate, cultivate in our brother a heart of forgiveness and reconciliation. Grant him the grace to extend pardon to those who have wronged him, as he embraces the liberating power of Your unconditional love and forgiveness.

Help him to release bitterness and resentment, choosing instead to walk in love and forgiveness. Let Your grace abound in his heart, as he extends forgiveness to others as You have forgiven him. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

10. Prayer for Faith

Faithful Shepherd, steadfast and unchanging, deepen the faith of our brother, that he may walk with unwavering trust in Your promises. Strengthen his belief in Your goodness and sovereignty, even amidst the uncertainties of life’s journey.

Increase his faith, Lord, that he may move mountains and overcome every obstacle that stands in his way. May his faith be a beacon of hope to those around him, inspiring others to trust in Your unfailing love and faithfulness. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

11. Prayer for Unity

Almighty God, sovereign and majestic, we implore You to weave the threads of unity among our brother and his companions, whether they be family, friends, or colleagues. May their bonds be strengthened in the crucible of love and understanding, forming a resilient tapestry that reflects Your divine unity.

Grant them the grace to walk in harmony, honoring each other’s uniqueness, and cherishing the gift of fellowship. May their unity be a testament to Your love and grace, shining as a beacon of hope in a divided world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

12. Prayer for Gratitude

Gracious Provider, merciful and compassionate, instill in our brother a spirit of gratitude that transcends circumstances. Open his eyes to the countless blessings that adorn his life, from the air he breathes to the relationships he treasures.

May his heart overflow with thanksgiving for Your unmerited favor and abundant provision, cultivating a perpetual posture of gratitude. Help him to recognize Your hand in every blessing and to offer praise and thanksgiving continually. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

13. Prayer for Humility

Omnipotent King, majestic and holy, mold our brother’s heart into the likeness of humility, that he may walk humbly before You and his fellow beings. Strip away the veils of pride and self-importance, revealing the beauty of servanthood and meekness.

May he recognize that true greatness lies in stooping low, following the example of our humble Savior, Jesus Christ. Grant him the grace to serve others with humility and to esteem others as greater than himself. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

14. Prayer for Discernment

Divine Illuminator, wise and omniscient, sharpen the spiritual senses of our brother, granting him discernment to navigate the murky waters of life with clarity and wisdom. Illuminate the hidden truths and expose the schemes of darkness, empowering him to walk in righteousness and truth.

May the light of Your Word be a lamp unto his feet and a beacon of discernment in the midst of confusion. Grant him wisdom to discern between good and evil, truth and falsehood, and to walk in the paths of righteousness all the days of his life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

15. Prayer for Boldness

Courageous Spirit, mighty and victorious, ignite the flames of boldness within our brother’s heart, emboldening him to proclaim Your truth with fearless conviction. May he not shrink back in the face of opposition or persecution but stand firm as a valiant warrior for Your kingdom.

Grant him the audacity to speak Your Word with boldness, knowing that Your power is made perfect in weakness. Strengthen him to be a bold witness for Christ, unashamedly declaring Your gospel and advancing Your kingdom with unwavering resolve. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

16. Prayer for Protection from Temptation

Divine Sentinel, vigilant and protective, erect a hedge of protection around our brother, shielding him from the fiery darts of temptation that assail his soul.

Strengthen his resolve to resist the allure of sin, fortifying him with the armor of righteousness and the sword of Your Word. May he find refuge in Your presence, finding deliverance from the grip of temptation and the bondage of sin. Protect him from the schemes of the enemy and lead him not into temptation but deliver him from evil. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

17. Prayer for Guidance in Relationships

Divine Matchmaker, wise and loving, orchestrate the relationships of our brother according to Your divine wisdom and purpose. Lead him in paths of righteousness, guiding him to cultivate relationships that honor You and edify the soul.

Grant him discernment to recognize toxic connections and wisdom to nurture healthy, life-giving relationships that reflect Your love and grace. May he walk in love and unity with all people, extending grace and forgiveness as You have forgiven him. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

18. Prayer for Provision

Bountiful Provider, generous and merciful, shower our brother with Your abundant provision, meeting his every need according to Your riches in glory.

From the bread that sustains his body to the spiritual nourishment that feeds his soul, may he experience the overflowing abundance of Your grace and provision.

May he never lack any good thing as he trusts in Your unfailing provision. Provide for him according to Your riches in glory, supplying all his needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

19. Prayer for Courage in Adversity

Courageous Warrior, Almighty God, we beseech You on behalf of our dear brother who faces daunting challenges and adversities in his journey.

Strengthen him, we pray, with the unshakable courage that stems not from worldly prowess but from the deep wellspring of faith in You. In the face of trials and tribulations, may he stand as a valiant soldier, fortified by the assurance of Your presence beside him.

Grant him the resilience to endure hardships and the boldness to confront obstacles, knowing that You are his shield and defender. Let his faith be unwavering, his spirit unyielding, and his resolve unbreakable, for You, O Lord, are his refuge and strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

20. Prayer for Divine Favor

Gracious God, Sovereign Lord, we come humbly before Your throne, acknowledging Your boundless grace and mercy. We lift up our brother, entreating You to shower upon him Your divine favor and blessings beyond measure.

May he walk in the radiance of Your favor, experiencing Your abundant goodness and kindness in every facet of his life. Let Your favor go before him like a beacon, guiding his steps and opening doors of opportunity.

May he be surrounded by Your favor as a shield, protected from harm and endowed with prosperity and success. As he aligns his will with Yours, may Your favor rest upon him, illuminating his path and fulfilling Your purpose in his life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

21. Prayer for Eternal Salvation

Sovereign Savior, Redeemer of souls, we lift our voices in fervent supplication for the eternal salvation of our beloved brother. May the saving power of Your sacrifice on the cross penetrate the depths of his heart, transforming him from within.

Grant him the gift of faith to believe in Your redeeming love and the courage to surrender his life to Your divine will. Let the assurance of Your salvation fill him with peace beyond understanding and hope that endures through every trial.

May his life be a living testament to Your grace, reflecting Your love and mercy to the world. And when his earthly journey draws to a close, may he be welcomed into Your eternal kingdom with joyous acclaim. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


In the symphony of life, our prayers for our brothers resonate as melodious harmonies, weaving together a chorus of love, faith, and hope. As we lift them up in supplication before the throne of grace, may our words ascend as fragrant offerings, ascending heavenward to the ears of the Divine.

Let us continue to intercede fervently on behalf of our brothers, knowing that our prayers, though whispered in the quiet of our hearts, carry the power to uplift, heal, and transform.

And as we journey onward, may the bonds of brotherhood be strengthened, and may our spirits be buoyed by the knowledge that we are never alone, for our Heavenly Father hears and answers the cries of His children. Amen.

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