19 Prayers Before Christmas Dinner


As the joyful season of Christmas approaches, gathering around the dinner table with loved ones is a cherished tradition for many. It’s a time when delicious aromas fill the air, and hearts overflow with gratitude and love.

To make this special moment even more meaningful, consider offering prayers before Christmas dinner. These prayers can be a beautiful way to express thanks, seek blessings, and reflect on the true essence of Christmas. In this article, we’ll explore 19 heartfelt prayers before Christmas dinner that can grace your Christmas dinner table.

Prayers Before Christmas Dinner

1. A Prayer of Thanksgiving

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you with hearts brimming with gratitude on this sacred Christmas evening. We thank you for the gift of this day, for the food before us, and for the company of our loved ones. Bless this meal, Lord, and help us to remember the true reason for this season—your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

2. A Prayer for Peace

A Prayer for Peace (1)

Prince of Peace, as we gather around this table, we pray for your divine peace to fill our hearts and homes. Let the love we share be a reflection of your love for us. May this Christmas dinner be a reminder of the peace that surpasses all understanding, which you alone can give. Amen.

3. A Prayer for Unity

A Prayer for Unity (1)

Heavenly Father, on this holy occasion, we ask for your blessings of unity and harmony. Help us set aside our differences and come together as a family, bound by your love. May this meal be a symbol of our shared faith and the love that unites us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

4. A Prayer for Joy

A Prayer for Joy

Lord of Joy, as we celebrate the birth of your Son, we ask for hearts filled with unspeakable joy. May the laughter and smiles around this table reflect the joy of your salvation. Bless us with the ability to find joy in the simple moments and to share it with those around us. Amen.

5. A Prayer for Gratitude

A Prayer for Gratitude

Gracious God, as we partake in this bountiful feast, we remember those less fortunate. Help us to be mindful of the blessings we enjoy and to use them to serve others. Thank you for the privilege of this meal and the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Amen.

6. A Prayer for Hope

God of Hope, in a world often shrouded in darkness, we turn our hearts to You as the guiding light. As we gather at this table, we pray for a renewed sense of hope to permeate our beings.

May the message of Christmas serve as a poignant reminder that Your presence is a constant source of hope, even in the most challenging times. Illuminate our hearts with the hope that transcends circumstances and fills us with assurance. Amen.

7. A Prayer for Healing

Healer of Hearts, we lift those among us who need your touch – be it physical, emotional, or spiritual healing. As we share this meal, we implore Your restorative power to bring comfort and wholeness to those who are hurting. Surround them with Your presence, and grant them the peace that surpasses understanding. Amen.

8. A Prayer for Love

God of Love, whose love knows no bounds, bless the bonds that unite us as family and friends around this table. As we partake in this meal, infuse our hearts with selfless love, mirroring the love You have graciously bestowed upon us. May our relationships be a testament to the transformative power of Your boundless love. Amen.

9. A Prayer for Forgiveness

Merciful Father, as we come together in fellowship, we humbly acknowledge our imperfections and shortcomings. Grant us the grace to forgive one another, just as You, in Your infinite mercy, have forgiven us. May the spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness prevail at this table, fostering an atmosphere of grace and understanding. Amen.

10. A Prayer for Guidance

Divine Guide, as we embark on the journey of life, we seek Your wisdom and guidance. Bless our decisions and actions, aligning them with Your perfect will.

May this Christmas dinner be a sacred moment of reflection, inviting Your divine direction for the days ahead. Amid festivities, may our hearts be attuned to Your whispers of guidance. Amen.

11. A Prayer for Generosity

Generous God, who gave us the ultimate gift in Your Son, Jesus Christ, inspires within us a spirit of generosity as we share this meal. May our generosity extend beyond physical abundance to encompass the generosity of heart. Guide us to give not only from our surplus but also from the depths of our compassion and love. Amen.

12. A Prayer for the Hungry

Compassionate Provider, our hearts turn to those who go to bed hungry and without the warmth of a meal tonight. As we partake in this Christmas celebration, may it stir within us a profound awareness of our responsibility to care for the less fortunate. Guide us in reaching out to those in need, extending the spirit of Christmas to all. Amen.

13. A Prayer for Humility

Humble Savior, born in the humblest of circumstances, we gather at this table with hearts of gratitude. As we feast, humble our hearts and minds, so that we may never lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas found in the simplicity of Your birth.

May humility be our companion, guiding us to live with reverence for the profound gift of Your presence in our lives. Amen.

14. A Prayer for Protection

Mighty Fortress, we humbly come before You, seeking Your divine protection and safety, especially during this season of travel and gatherings. Extend Your watchful gaze over our loved ones, whether near or far.

Shield us from harm, both seen and unseen, and guide us safely through this Christmas season and into the embrace of the New Year. May Your protective presence bring peace and assurance to our hearts. Amen.

15. A Prayer for Childlike Faith

Child of Bethlehem, bless us with the precious gift of childlike faith. Open our hearts to approach the mysteries of Your birth with wonder and awe, just as a child marvels at the world.

May the innocence of children serve as a reminder of the purity and simplicity of Your love. Grant us the grace to embrace the mysteries of Christmas with unwavering faith and joy. Amen.

16. A Prayer for Remembrance

Eternal God, as we gather around this Christmas feast, our hearts turn to those who are no longer with us. We remember them with gratitude for the joy and love they brought into our lives.

Though they are physically absent, their presence lives on in our hearts. Grant them eternal rest and may their memories be a source of comfort and inspiration. Amen.

17. A Prayer for Courage

Courageous Savior, give us the courage to live out our faith boldly. Just as you came into the world to bring salvation, empower us to share your message of hope and redemption with others. May we be a light in the darkness? Amen.

 18. A Prayer for Abundance

Provider of Abundance, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude for the richness of food and blessings in our lives. As we partake in this meal, instill in us a sense of responsibility to be good stewards of Your abundant gifts.

Guide us to share our blessings generously with those who are in need. Bless this meal and our fellowship, that it may be a reflection of Your abundant grace. Amen.

19. A Prayer of Commitment

Loving Father, as we conclude this nourishing meal and the time spent together, we commit ourselves anew to walking in Your path. May the love and grace we have experienced in this gathering inspire us to live out our faith daily.

Strengthen us to share Your love with all those we encounter on our journey. As we go forth from this table, may our lives be a testament to the transformative power of Your grace. Amen.


Q1: Can I personalize these prayers for my family?

Absolutely! These prayers are meant as a starting point. Feel free to add personal touches, mention specific blessings, or adapt them to suit the unique needs and circumstances of your family.

Q2: Should we assign someone to say these prayers or take turns?

It depends on your family’s tradition. You can choose to have one person lead the prayers or take turns so that everyone has the opportunity to express their gratitude and intentions.

Q3: Are there any other prayers or traditions we can incorporate into our Christmas dinner?

Certainly! You can consider reading a passage from the Bible related to the birth of Jesus, singing hymns, or sharing personal reflections on the significance of Christmas. The key is to make it meaningful for your family.


As you gather around the Christmas dinner table this year, consider incorporating these heartfelt prayers into your celebration. They offer a meaningful way to express your gratitude, seek blessings, and reflect on the true essence of Christmas.

Whether you choose to recite them verbatim or personalize them, these prayers can enhance the spiritual significance of your festive meal. May your Christmas dinner be filled with love, joy, and the presence of the One whose birth we celebrate on this special day.

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