25 Intercession Prayer Points


Intercession is a profound and selfless form of prayer, where we stand in the gap, advocating for others before the throne of grace. It’s a sacred act that can bring transformation to lives, communities, and even nations.

In this article, we will delve into the heart of intercession and provide you with 25 intercession prayer points that cover a wide spectrum of needs and concerns. These prayer points are designed to empower your intercessory journey and enable you to make a meaningful impact through your prayers.

25 Intercession Prayer Points


May these intercessory prayers bring about transformation, unity, and a renewed passion for your kingdom within our church, O Lord. In your name, we lift these requests. Amen.

Intercession Prayer Points for Personal Transformation

1. Spiritual Growth and Renewal

Spiritual Growth and Renewal

Heavenly Father, We come before you with hearts filled with gratitude for your Word, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We humbly ask that you ignite within us a deep hunger for your Word. May our souls long for the nourishment and guidance that can only come from immersing ourselves in your Scriptures. Grant us a burning desire for spiritual growth, a thirst for righteousness, and a yearning for a closer walk with you. Renew our faith, ignite our hope, and draw us nearer to your loving presence each day. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

2. Freedom from Bondage

Freedom from Bondage

Gracious Lord, We lift those who are ensnared in the chains of addiction and destructive habits. You are the ultimate source of freedom, and we beseech you to release them from the bondage that entraps their hearts and minds. Pour out your mercy and grace upon them, leading them onto the path of recovery, redemption, and restoration. Fill their lives with your love and purpose, so that they may break free from the grip of darkness and step into the glorious freedom of your light. In the name of Jesus, we declare victory over every bondage. Amen.

3. Inner Healing and Emotional Wholeness

Inner Healing and Emotional Wholeness

Compassionate Healers, We bring before you those who carry deep emotional wounds and scars. You are the God who binds up the brokenhearted and heals their wounds. We pray for your divine touch upon their lives, for your gentle hand to mend the broken pieces of their hearts. Bring healing where there is pain, peace where there is turmoil, and emotional restoration where there is brokenness. May they experience the fullness of your love and find wholeness in your presence. In Jesus’ name, we pray for inner healing and emotional well-being. Amen.

4. Strength in Times of Weakness

Strength in Times of Weakness

Almighty God, For those who are facing physical or emotional weakness, we seek your strength. You are our refuge and our fortress, and we find our strength in you. Lift those who are weary and faint-hearted, granting them your divine strength to persevere through their trials. May they discover resilience in their weakness and endurance in their struggles, knowing that your grace is sufficient for them. Be their source of unwavering strength, O Lord, as they journey through life’s challenges. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray for strength in times of weakness. Amen.

5. Guidance and Direction

Guidance and Direction

Wise and Sovereign God, We come before you seeking guidance and direction in the choices we must make. Your wisdom surpasses all understanding, and we acknowledge our need for your divine counsel. Grant us clarity of mind and discernment of spirit as we navigate life’s uncertainties. Direct our steps, O Lord, and illuminate the path you have prepared for us. May we walk in your perfect will and fulfill the purpose you have ordained for our lives. We trust in your guidance and surrender our decisions to your sovereign wisdom. In Jesus’ name, we pray for divine guidance and direction. Amen.

Intercession Prayer Points for Families

6. Family Unity and Harmony

Heavenly Father, We come before you with heavy hearts, interceding for families torn apart by division and strife. You are the God of peace and unity, and we beseech you to mend the broken bonds within these families. Pour out your love and grace upon them, Lord. May reconciliation, forgiveness, and understanding replace anger and discord. Fill their hearts with love for one another and grant them the strength to work towards family unity and harmony. In the name of Jesus, we pray for healing within families. Amen.

7. Protection of Children

Gracious Protector, We entrust the precious children of our families to your loving care and protection. You are the Shepherd who watches over your flock, and we ask for your guidance and shield over these young lives. Guard them from harm, both physical and spiritual, and surround them with godly influences that will nurture their faith and character. May they grow in health, wisdom, and favor before you and those around them. In Jesus’ name, we pray for the protection and well-being of our children. Amen.

8. Marriage Restoration

Merciful Lord, We bring before you marriages that are facing trials and challenges. You are the God of restoration and reconciliation, and we implore you to heal the wounds in these marriages. Pour out your grace and mercy upon husband and wife, filling their hearts with love, forgiveness, and understanding. Strengthen their commitment to one another and guide them towards a renewed and flourishing marriage. In the name of Jesus, we pray for the restoration of struggling marriages. Amen.

9. Parental Wisdom

Heavenly Father, We intercede for parents, asking for your divine wisdom in the sacred task of raising their children. Parenting can be challenging, and we recognize the need for your guidance and strength. Grant parents the wisdom to make godly decisions, the patience to nurture their children’s growth, and the love to create a warm and nurturing environment within their homes. May families be marked by strong bonds, love, and compassion. In Jesus’ name, we pray for parental wisdom and loving families. Amen.

10. Salvation for Family Members

Loving Savior, We lift unsaved family members to you, dear Lord. You desire that none should perish but come to repentance, and we earnestly pray for the salvation of our loved ones. Soften their hearts, open their eyes to the truth of your Gospel, and bring them into a personal relationship with you. May your Holy Spirit work in their lives, leading them to a spiritual awakening and a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus, we pray for the salvation of our family members. Amen.

Intercession Prayer Points for the Church

11. Spiritual Revival

Heavenly Father, We come before you with hearts burdened for a spiritual revival within your Church. Lord, we long for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit that will ignite a passionate love for you, outreach, and missions. Breathe new life into our congregations, stirring us to seek your face fervently and to share your love boldly. We pray for an awakening that will transform our churches into beacons of light and love in a dark world. In the name of Jesus, we ask for a mighty spiritual revival. Amen.


12. Church Leadership

Gracious God, We lift our church leaders to you, knowing that they bear a heavy responsibility in guiding your flock. Grant them wisdom, discernment, and spiritual protection as they navigate the challenges of leadership. Anoint their ministry, Lord, that they may lead with humility and a heart devoted to your will. Provide them with divine guidance and surround them with your favor. May their leadership be a source of inspiration and blessing to our congregation. In Jesus’ name, we pray for our church leaders. Amen.

13. Unity Among Believers

Loving Lord, We intercede for unity and love among the members of our church. You have called us to be one body in Christ, and we pray for a spirit of cooperation and mutual support to prevail among us. Remove any division, bitterness, or discord from our midst and replace it with your love, grace, and understanding. May our unity be a testimony to the world of your transformative power and the truth of your Gospel. In the name of Jesus, we pray for unity among believers in our church. Amen.



14. Outreach and Evangelism

Compassionate Savior, We lift our evangelistic efforts and missions to you. You have called us to go into all the world and make disciples, and we pray for open doors to share the Gospel and transform lives. Bless our outreach endeavors, Lord, and use us as vessels of your love and grace to reach those who have yet to know you. Open hearts and minds to receive your Word, and may your name be glorified through the salvation of souls. In Jesus’ name, we pray for successful outreach and evangelism. Amen.



15. Spiritual Gifts and Empowerment

Empowering Spirit, We pray for the activation and use of spiritual gifts within our church. You have bestowed upon each believer unique gifts and talents for the edification of the body of Christ. Empower us, Lord, to use these gifts effectively in service to your kingdom. May our church be a place where every member contributes to the building up of one another and the advancement of your purposes. Fill us with your Holy Spirit, enabling us to serve with passion and dedication. In the name of Jesus, we pray for the activation of spiritual gifts and empowerment within our church. Amen.

Intercession Prayer Points for the Community and Nation

16. Local Communities

Heavenly Father, We come before you with hearts full of love and concern for our local communities. We intercede for the safety, prosperity, and well-being of the people in our neighborhoods. May your hand of protection rest upon us, shielding us from harm and danger. We lift our community leaders and initiatives, asking for your guidance and wisdom to lead and serve with integrity. Bless our communities, Lord, and help us work together for the common good. In Jesus’ name, we pray for the flourishing of our local communities. Amen.

17. National Leaders

Sovereign God, We lift our national leaders to you, knowing that their decisions and actions have a profound impact on our nation. We pray for wisdom to guide them in their roles, integrity to lead with honesty and honor, and a commitment to justice that ensures the welfare of all citizens. Lord, grant them discernment to make decisions that promote peace, prosperity, and the well-being of our nation. We entrust our leaders into your hands, O God. In the name of Jesus, we pray for our national leaders. Amen.


18. Peace and Reconciliation

Prince of Peace, We cry out to you for peace and reconciliation, both within our borders and on the global stage. Put an end to conflicts and tensions that divide nations and communities. We ask for hearts to be turned towards one another in love and understanding. Let your spirit of reconciliation prevail, bringing unity where there is division and lasting peace where there is turmoil. Be the source of hope and healing in our world, O Lord. In Jesus’ name, we pray for peace and reconciliation. Amen.

19. Protection from Natural Disasters

Compassionate Protector, We humbly ask for your protection from natural disasters that can bring devastation and suffering. Cover our communities and nation with your shield of safety. Provide for those affected by disasters, granting them provision and comfort in their time of need. Strengthen our resolve to support one another and rebuild in the face of adversity. Lord, we acknowledge our dependence on you for protection and provision. In the name of Jesus, we pray for safety, provision, and recovery in times of crisis. Amen.


20. Revival and Spiritual Awakening

Holy Spirit, We fervently pray for a spiritual revival in our nation. May hearts turn to you, O God, and may righteousness prevail in our land. We long for a spiritual awakening that will transform lives, heal wounds, and bring us closer to your truth and love. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon our churches, communities, and nation, drawing people into a deeper relationship with you. May your name be glorified as we seek your presence and revival. In Jesus’ name, we pray for a spiritual revival and awakening. Amen.

Intercession Prayer Points for the World


21. Global Missions

Gracious Father, We come before you with hearts burdened for global missions. We lift missionaries who have dedicated their lives to spreading your Gospel to the ends of the earth. May your hand of protection rest upon them as they venture into unreached areas, and may you open doors for the message of your love to be heard. Soften the hearts of those who have not yet heard your name, and grant success to global mission efforts. In the name of Jesus, we pray for the advancement of your kingdom through missions. Amen.

22. Persecuted Christians

Merciful God, We intercede for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are facing persecution around the world. Strengthen them with your unwavering courage and grant them a supernatural peace that surpasses all understanding. Surround them with your divine protection, shielding them from harm. We ask that you touch the hearts of their oppressors, leading them to a knowledge of your truth and love. May the persecuted church be a beacon of light and hope amid adversity. In Jesus’ name, we pray for persecuted Christians. Amen.


23. Humanitarian Crises


Compassionate Savior, We lift areas affected by humanitarian crises, where people are suffering and in desperate need. We pray for relief efforts to be swift and effective, providing comfort, shelter, and sustenance to those in distress. Bring healing to the wounded, restoration to the broken, and provision to the needy. Bless the hands and hearts of those who work tirelessly to alleviate suffering. In the name of Jesus, we pray for relief and restoration in times of humanitarian crises. Amen.


24. End to Injustice

Righteous Judge, We intercede for an end to injustice, oppression, and inequality that afflict our world. You are the God of justice, and we pray for justice to roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. May you raise champions of justice, mercy, and lasting change. Empower us, as your ambassadors, to stand against injustice and work towards a world where all are treated with fairness and equity. In Jesus’ name, we pray for an end to injustice. Amen.



25. Global Healing and Restoration


Divine Healer, We humbly bring before you the world’s need for healing and restoration. The world is broken, Lord, and in need of your transformative touch on a global scale. Heal the wounds of division, hatred, and strife that afflict nations and peoples. Bring reconciliation where there is conflict and unity where there is division. Pour out your love and grace upon the entire world, so that hearts may be turned toward you and healing may flow like a river. In the name of Jesus, we pray for global healing and restoration. Amen.


Intercession is a powerful and selfless form of prayer that has the potential to bring about transformation in the lives of individuals, families, communities, and nations.

By engaging in intercessory prayer using the 31 intercession prayer points provided, you become a vessel of God’s love and an advocate for those in need.

Your prayers can touch lives, heal wounds, and usher in God’s blessings. May your intercessory journey be filled with faith, compassion, and the knowledge that you are making a significant impact through your prayers.

FAQs on Intercession Prayer

What Is the Difference Between Intercessory Prayer and Regular Prayer?

Intercessory prayer is a specific form of prayer where you pray on behalf of others, standing in the gap for their needs and concerns. Regular prayer, on the other hand, often involves personal communication with God, including prayers for oneself and one’s own needs. Intercession is a selfless act of advocating for others before God.

Do I Need Special Training to Be an Intercessor?

While there is no formal training required to be an intercessor, it’s helpful to grow in your understanding of intercessory prayer by studying the Bible, learning from experienced intercessors, and seeking guidance from spiritual leaders. The most important qualification is a willing heart to pray for others.

Can I Use These Intercession Prayer Points as a Guide?

Absolutely! These intercession prayer points are designed to guide your intercessory prayers. You can use them as a starting point and adapt them to specific needs or situations as you feel led by the Holy Spirit.

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