11 Biblical Counseling Online Degree Programs for Aspiring Counselors

11 Biblical Counseling Online Degree Programs for Aspiring Counselors

In the quest to serve others with compassion and guidance, many individuals are drawn to the field of biblical counseling.

This noble profession integrates faith and psychological principles to help people navigate the challenges of life while grounding them in the timeless wisdom of the Bible.

If you’re aspiring to become a counselor with a strong foundation in Christian values, pursuing an online degree in biblical counseling could be the ideal path for you.

In this article, we’ll explore eleven esteemed biblical counseling online degree programs that offer a holistic approach to training future counsellors.

11 Biblical Counseling Online Degree Programs for Aspiring Counselors

1. Liberty University

Liberty University, known for its commitment to faith-based education, offers an online Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling.

This comprehensive program delves into theology, psychology, and biblical principles.

Students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to provide spiritual guidance in various counseling settings, whether in churches, ministries, or private practice.

Liberty University’s program stands out for its emphasis on integrating biblical principles with the latest counseling techniques.

Graduates are well-prepared to address the unique emotional and spiritual needs of individuals seeking guidance.

2. Grand Canyon University

Grand Canyon University, a renowned Christian institution, provides a Bachelor of Science in Counseling with an Emphasis in Addiction, Chemical Dependency, and Substance Abuse.

This unique program combines psychology and biblical principles to prepare students for the complexities of counseling those struggling with addiction.

The program not only addresses the practical aspects of counseling but also delves into the spiritual dimension of recovery.

Graduates are well-equipped to make a significant impact on the lives of individuals battling addiction.

3. Regent University

Regent University offers an online Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a Counseling Concentration. This program provides students with a strong psychological foundation while integrating biblical perspectives on counseling.

The curriculum emphasizes understanding human behavior and emotions from both a secular and spiritual standpoint.

Regent University’s program equips students to offer counseling in diverse settings, from schools and churches to rehabilitation centers and private practice.

It’s a well-rounded approach to biblical counseling.

4. Crown College

Crown College presents an online Bachelor of Science in Christian Counseling.

This program emphasizes the integration of faith and psychology to guide individuals toward personal and spiritual growth.

Students explore various counseling techniques while grounding their practice in biblical wisdom.

Crown College’s program fosters a deep understanding of the Bible’s relevance in counseling, preparing graduates to make a positive difference in the lives of those they serve.

5. Piedmont International University

Piedmont International University offers a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling.

This program is designed for those who wish to specialize in counseling from a Christian perspective.

Students delve into the theological and psychological aspects of counseling, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the field.

Piedmont International University’s program emphasizes practical experience, allowing students to apply their knowledge in real-world counseling scenarios.

Graduates are well-prepared for careers as biblical counselors.

6. John Brown University

John Brown University provides an online Master of Science in Counseling.

This program offers a unique blend of psychological and biblical knowledge, preparing students to serve as professional counselors.

The curriculum covers a wide range of counseling approaches and techniques.

One of the standout features of John Brown University’s program is its commitment to fostering a deep understanding of the ethical and moral aspects of counseling.

This ensures that graduates provide guidance with integrity and compassion.

7. Moody Bible Institute

Moody Bible Institute offers a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

This program combines clinical training with a strong foundation in biblical principles.

Students are prepared to address the mental health needs of individuals within a Christian context.

Moody Bible Institute’s program places a significant emphasis on clinical experience, ensuring that graduates are equipped to provide professional counseling services with a Christian perspective.

8. Toccoa Falls College

Toccoa Falls College presents an online Bachelor of Science in Counseling Psychology.

This program equips students with a deep understanding of psychology while integrating biblical principles.

Students explore the complexities of human behavior and emotions from both secular and spiritual viewpoints.

Toccoa Falls College’s program prepares students for careers in counseling and psychology, helping individuals find hope, healing, and purpose.

9. Mid-America Christian University

Mid-America Christian University offers a Bachelor of Science in Counseling with a Christian Counseling Emphasis.

This program blends psychology and biblical counseling to provide students with a well-rounded education.

Graduates are equipped to offer guidance in a wide range of counseling contexts.

One of the distinguishing features of Mid-America Christian University’s program is its commitment to instilling strong ethical principles in students.

This ensures that graduates approach counseling with integrity and compassion.

10. Summit University

Summit University provides an online Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling.

This program is designed to prepare students for counseling roles in churches, ministries, and other Christian organizations.

The curriculum focuses on biblical principles and their practical application in counseling settings.

Summit University’s program stands out for its emphasis on biblical interpretation and hermeneutics, ensuring that graduates have a deep understanding of scripture and its relevance to counseling.

11. Trinity International University

Trinity International University offers a Master of Arts in Mental Health Counseling.

This program combines the latest clinical techniques with a strong grounding in Christian principles.

Students gain a deep understanding of mental health and its intersection with faith.

Trinity International University’s program prepares students for licensure as mental health counselors while instilling a strong sense of empathy and compassion.

Graduates are well-equipped to address the mental health needs of individuals with a Christian perspective.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Are these online programs as reputable as on-campus programs?

Yes, these online biblical counseling degree programs are offered by well-respected Christian institutions and are held to the same high standards as their on-campus counterparts.

They provide a rigorous education that prepares students to excel in the field of counseling.

2. Can I pursue a career as a licensed counselor with these degrees?

Many of these programs prepare students for licensure in counseling, but requirements vary by state.

Graduates should check with their state’s licensing board for specific requirements.

3. Are financial aid options available for online biblical counseling programs?

Yes, most of these institutions offer financial aid options, including scholarships, grants, and loans.

Be sure to explore the financial aid opportunities provided by the specific institution you’re interested in.


Choosing a biblical counseling degree program is a significant step toward a fulfilling career in counseling.

These eleven online programs offer a blend of psychological expertise and biblical principles, ensuring that graduates are equipped to provide guidance and support with a strong Christian foundation.

Whether you aspire to counsel those in need of spiritual guidance, mental health support, or addiction recovery, these programs provide a comprehensive education to help you make a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

As you embark on this journey, consider your personal goals and the unique strengths of each program to find the perfect fit for your future as a Christian counselor.

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